Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tanzania: Manufacturers, Dealers Face Probe Over Hiked Cement Price

PichaPrime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has ordered Regional Commisioners to visit all cement plants and dealers in their localities to establish reasons behind inflated prices of the commodity.

In some regions cement prices have hiked by 3,000/- to 4,000/- during the runup to the October 28 general election.

Mr Majaliwa issued the order soon after being sworn-in by President Magufuli for the second term at the Chamwino State House in Dodoma on Monday.

The event was attended by senior government leaders, Members of Parliament and religious leaders.

Issuing the order, the premier said that there were no reasons for hiking the price of cement since there no new taxes imposed while the workforce and raw materials are locally available.

"In the last five years, the government has improved infrastructures -- roads and railways. We have supplied gas and coals... hence, there is no reason to increase the price of cement," Mr Majaliwa said.

He demanded the regional heads to submit reports detailing why the cement price was inflated by November 20, 2020.

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