Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tanzania: Blue Economy Tops Kabudi's Agenda

MINISTER of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi on Monday underlined his ministry's priorities of which the blue economy tops the agenda.

He said at the Chamwino State House after taking oath that his ministry will ensure that the country's economy brings the desired socio-economic changes, touching on employment generation, uplifting the business environment and guaranteed supply of raw materials for local industries.

He said the government will also cooperate with such associations as the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), and Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) aimed at strengthening regional cooperation and sustainable development within the Indian Ocean region.

The government, Prof. Kabudi said, would adhere to the 2020-2025 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Election Manifesto, and President John Magufuli's 12th Parliament inaugural speech of November 13 which laid emphasis on the revitalisation of the national economy in the next five years.

"Let me assure you Mr President that we will diligently perform our duties and ensure our full participation in the four associations as directed in the manifesto and in your speech. We will ensure profitable deep sea fishing," he asserted.

The foreign ministry is already analysing goals and priorities set in the CCM Election Manifesto to fully implement and fulfill its responsibilities, the minister said.

"After you appointed me to head the ministry again, I immediately gave directives to the ministry's Permanent Secretary, Ambassador Brigadier General Wilbert Ibuge to form a committee that will analyse the manifesto. This job will be completed on Thursday this week," he said.

He urged other leaders to operate and work within parameters of their duties and responsibilities in respect and wisdom.

In his speech, President Magufuli said that by improving this strategic sector of fishing, the majority Tanzanians will be able to engage in various activities and thus build both individual and national economies.

The Head of State said the government has already laid strategies for improving the fishing industry in deep sea, and that eight fishing vessels will be bought for that purpose.

Currently, he said the government was involved in talks with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to bring the vessels that will boost fishing and facilitate studies related to the activity in the Indian Ocean.

Four of the vessels will operate in Zanzibar and four will be used in Tanzania Mainland.

According to the president, the government envisages to collect at least 350bn/- annually from the fishing sector as opposed to the 30bn/- collected from 2009 to 2019.

"This means on average, the government gets only 3bn/- every year. We need to build up a strong system and facilitate fishing in the deep sea," noted President Magufuli.

Boosting the fishing industry will go along with the construction of a fishing port that will provide employment to more than 30,000 people, the president said, adding that his government will also facilitate the provision of loans and training to youth engaged in fishing in various parts of the country.


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