Saturday, November 7, 2020

Tailors urged to think of export market


Tailoring is such a profitable venture. PHOTO/FILE

By Abdul-Nasser Ssemugabi

While tailors in Uganda are preoccupied with persuading the local market, government has challenged them to add exportation to their long-term goals. 

While officiating at the launch of the Uganda Tailors Association yesterday, Dr Joshua Mutambi, the Ministry of Trade commissioner for micro, small and medium enterprises, urged association members to up their standards with the view of consolidating the local market while targeting the export market as well.  

“We encourage you capture the local market but also consider exportation because it fetches more revenue in terms of foreign exchange,” he said during the launch of the Uganda Tailors Association offices in Mpererwe, Kawempe Division.

President Museveni has often preached the need to end the importation of clothing but some have argued that the local market has not grown yet to feed local demand. 

However, Mr Mutambi said the creation of an umbrella association should lobby to build capacity to capture the local clothing and apparel market. 

“It is great progress that the association is boasting of a membership of over 10,000 since it was formed in 2012,” he said, noting government was ready to listen to their concerns and respond accordingly.
Mr Mutambi said Uganda’s apparel sector had built enough capacity given that it has ably provided masks, which previously had been imported. 


However, this has come with a lot of challenges, key among them quality and failure to deliver on time. 
Mr Phillip Ssekimpi, the Uganda Tailors Association chairman, said Ugandans are obsessed with imported apparels, which has made local producers to disguise their products with labels such as as “Made-In-Italy”
Whereas Uganda Tailors Association, according to Mr Ssekimpi, has built capacity to make different garments such shirts, skirts and dresses, among others, there was need to promote quality through programmes  such as the Presidential Initiative on Skilling the Girl Child. 

Patrick Byakatonda,  the head of Directorate of Industrial Training at the Ministry of Education, challenged Uganda Tailors Association to create a database for all tailors across the country and encourage them to seek certification. 

Uganda Tailors Association begun in 2012, with a few members around Kampala.


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