Monday, November 9, 2020

Govt launches handbook to streamline SME manufacturing


Trade Minister Amelia Kyambadde, said government is pushing the import substitution agenda as one of the channels through which Uganda can narrow its balance of trade deficit. PHOTO/FILE/COURTESY

By Justus Lyatuu

Government has launched a handbook that seek to promote acceptable, good and quality manufacturing standards, especially among small and medium enterprises. 

Speaking at the launch of the handbook in Kampala last week, Trade Minister Amelia Kyambadde, said to promote inward consumption, it is important to ensure quality and good practices rather than taking it for granted that Ugandans will choose certain  products over others just because they are manufactured in Uganda. 

“We need SMEs to stand up and showcase their commitment to good manufacturing and good hygiene practices within the food value chain and other sensitive sectors including textiles,” she said, noting the handbook will also help to open up markets, especially for value added products. 

Government has for at least five years emphasised the need for Ugandans to support local producers through Buy Uganda Build Uganda. 

However, consumers continue to, especially, raise concern on quality and hygiene for food related products, and standards. 

Recently, Uganda National Bureau of Standards, indicated that 54 per cent of products on the Ugandan market were substandard, which cast serious concern on the local consumer market. 

However, UNBS did not indicate what percentage of the substandard products were manufactured locally but showed a growing trend of counterfeits manufactured within the country and by Ugandans. 

Ms Kyambadde said the global market has been narrowed by Covid-19, which should embolden SMEs in Uganda to improve the quality of their products and services to occupy spaces previously occupied by importers. 

Government is also pushing the import substitution agenda as one of the channels through which Uganda can narrow its balance of trade deficit. 

Ms Kyambadde also noted that apart from producing for the local market, the handbook will provide guidelines for producing standards goods that have capacity to compete in the export market.


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