Thursday, November 5, 2020

Germany to disburse Rwf113bn in Rwanda in 2 years


Germany has committed to disburse 113.5 billion in Rwanda over the next two years with funds earmarked for decentralization and good governance, sustainable economic development, Technical and Vocational Education and Training as well as climate protection.

The commitment follows virtual negotiations and engagement between the two governments with Richard Tusabe, Minister of State in charge of Treasury in the Rwandan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning representing Rwanda.

The countries agreed that the funds are for the period between 2020 and 2022.   

Germany will support Rwanda’s COVID-19 response by contributing funds to social protection as well as credit lines for small and medium enterprises hit by the COVID-19 crisis.

Germany also committed funds for the digitalization of the public sector in Rwanda as well as a support for Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions Program. 

The two countries have enjoyed warm ties for years in areas such as skills development and urban development among others.

In April this year, Rwanda secured a grant of about Rwf53 billion from Germany aimed at supporting sustainable urban development, decentralization and the promotion of growth and export- oriented SMEs.

Last year, Germany and Rwanda signed an agreement to work jointly in the areas of job creation, skills development and investment.


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