Thursday, November 26, 2020

Benefits of having an immutable ledger to the healthcare system

EHR Data’s vision is for both the healthcare industry and individual patients to benefit from the blockchain platform housing healthcare records.

Technological progress has paved the way for advancements in medical science; and ample healthcare data that has made momentous contributions in the treatment of

various diseases. However, there is still a lot more to be done. The current pandemic has shown everyone that data silos are not equipped to handle a huge amount of healthcare information. So many people are dying all over the world; and many of these can be prevented with enough transparent patient data within the healthcare sector.

In the latest Bitcoin news, on the second day of the CoinGeek Live conference, data platform EHR Data presented their concept of clinical healthcare data that are stored, shared and managed at an individual level on the blockchain, which is a globally distributed digital ledger.

Currently, healthcare data are stored and accessed only on private servers and transferred to third parties who request for the data. According to Chief Clinical Officer Cheryl Jorgenson, real-time clinical information cannot be accessed, clinical services cannot be tracked and there is nonexistent workflow integration in data structures at present. Patients also have no say in how their healthcare history is stored. Many even find themselves in a bind when trying to access their own personal healthcare data.

Blockchain Technology Used for Healthcare Data

Satoshi Nakamoto first used blockchain technology as an immutable database where all Bitcoin transactions are stored. It is distributed in that all nodes on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) network have a copy of the blockchain; and it is immutable because data recorded on the blockchain cannot be changed or altered.

Headed by Jorgenson, Chief Scientist & Consultant Ron Austring and Director of Product Design Joseph Eckstein, EHR Data proposed that a marriage between healthcare data and blockchain technology is the solution to the lack of transparent healthcare data. This will then create the world’s biggest health data set. EHR Data envisions healthcare records to be stored at a personal level, meaning patients will have control over who can access their data, on what terms and for how long.

Healthcare data on the blockchain can have multiple uses through micro transactions and smart contracts. In building this blockchain platform, EHR Data said they hope to improve the way private healthcare data is accessed, managed and even monetized. This is certainly big Bitcoin news for blockchain technology to be used in such a relevant manner

Benefits of Housing Healthcare Data on the Blockchain Platform

EHR Data’s vision is for both the healthcare industry and individual patients to benefit from the blockchain platform housing healthcare records.

  • This data model is built with the capacity to assimilate to the various systems being used by hospitals and other medical organizations. Inter- and intra-operability of data is the main objective—being able to provide “a single source of truth powered by the BSV blockchain.”
  • Through the use of the BSV blockchain, which is highly scalable, this new data system can widen its range to more states, more countries and more drug types. It will consolidate healthcare data and systems into a more practical and accessible format.
  • Consumers of healthcare need not remain as mere consumers anymore. This proposed model allows patients to benefit from more positive health results and lowered healthcare costs brought about by an upgraded data structure. Individuals can also earn money by allowing medical and pharmaceutical institutions to gain access to their personal healthcare data for research and other uses.

This most recent Bitcoin news could not have come at a better time. With the ongoing pandemic, this proposed model of using the BSV blockchain to power a new healthcare data system not only serves to benefit national and global healthcare, but also provides individuals with a new source of income.


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