Thursday, October 8, 2020

Tanzania: Mwinyi Plans to Boost Tourism

Dar es Salaam — The Zanzibar presidential candidate on a CCM ticket, Dr Hussein Mwinyi, yesterday promised to enact a law which would require all investors in the tourism sector to ensure that they benefit the people living around their investments.

Dr Mwinyi said he would also enact another law that will force investors in that sector to buy products that are available in Zanzibar instead of importing them, a move meant to provide employment and reliable market to Zanzibaris.

Dr Mwinyi said yesterday during a rally at Bumbwini ground in Zanazibar North B District that the tourism industry will be the first priority because it contributes a large amount of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GPD).

"I am aware that there is a challenge for young people who have studied tourism in the areas where investors have set up their hotels. In recognition of that we will invest in ensuring that the young people around those areas receive training so that they can benefit from investments," he said.

He said the North B area is good for investment especially in hotels so if elected to lead the semi-autonomous Isles, he will ensure investment increases, a move that will help create more jobs for the youth.

Besides, Dr Mwinyi said in order for Zanzibar to implement the blue economy plan, he would ensure investments in four priority areas including tourism, industries, fishing in the deep sea and oil and gas.

According to him. he was aware of the challenges facing the residents of North B, which include water, infrastructure and reliable market, stressing if people will elect him, all challenges will be history.

He said if the challenges are addressed, they will help bring about significant development in the area, adding that he will continue where the outgoing president (Ali Mohamed Shein) leaves.

Speaking earlier, Zanzibar President Dr Shein said the presidential candidate is faithful and an innovator of many things so if he is the right person for the top seat.

He said: "Dr Mwinyi is very patient and is a person who makes proper decisions before bringing them into the public eye. "I am confident that we have a landslide victory and the opposition will have nothing to blame CCM,"


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