Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tanzania: Zictia Inks Deal for Fast Internet Surf

PichaTHE Zanzibar Information Communication Technology Infrastructure Agency (ZICTIA) has signed a 'Capacity Service Contract (CSC)' with the ZanLink Internet services that would
improve Internet surfing in the Island.
Making the revelation, ZanLink Managing Director Mr Sanjaay Raja further said: "The one- year contract (renewable) is a milestone in improving the capacity of the internet fast surf to the people, because the contract allows us to increase the bandwidth."
After the signing of the contract at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communication, and Transport, Mr Raja said his company has been taking different measures in improving surfing, because ICT is directly linked to economic and social development of any country.
While signing the agreement, ZICTIA's Executive Director Eng Shukuru Awadhi Suleiman said his newly established agency would guarantee the nationals advanced Information and Communication Technology services to suit their demands.
He further said his agency would ensure that public and private institutions are connected to the Zanzibar Information and Communication technology infrastructure and facilitates common systems, which promote easy access of services to the people.
Presiding over, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communication, and Transport, Mustafa Aboud Jumbe, said the government fully supports the ongoing initiatives that would improve ICT services in the country.
ZICTIA is a government agency established in 2018 under the legal notice no 119 of 2018 with the responsibility of managing Zanzibar National fiber backbone and data centre.
As an agency, it provides affordable, sustainable, secured and convergent ICT infrastructure to the public.

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