Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tanzania: Reliable Telecom Services Loom for Nyabilezi, Igando Residents

PichaTHE Nyabilezi and Igando residents in Chato District, Geita Region will now be connected to reliable telecommunication services which are major drivers of economic growth, thanks to
government's Universal Communications Services Access Fund (UCSAF) telecom towers launch.
Speaking at the launch, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Dr Zainabu Chaula, here said the telecommunication services will spur businesses and other economic activities in the area.
"The government move is aimed at connecting people countrywide with reliable and efficient telecommunication services that would ease and support their economic activities," she said.
The establishment of telecommunication services in Nyabilezi, Bukome Ward and Igando, Bwera Ward in Chato District, Geita Region has been made possible by the UCSAF.
The introduction of the telecom services, particularly the mobile money services will become key drivers in expanding and promoting financial services and inclusion, particularly in the rural areas, which are financially underserved.
This will enable smallholder farmers to save small amounts of money, receive payments promptly in times of need and pay for agricultural goods via their mobile phone, mobile payment systems replace costly traditional transfer services and the need to travel long distances to collect funds.
Dr Chaula said the government has made huge investment in the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) which is like the main road to facilitate reliable communication services benefitting even the rural population.
She said the residents from the two villages and others should capitalise on the telecom towers built by UCSAF particularly in the mobile money services.
Thus, she urged them to protect the telecom infrastructures and use them as vehicles for poverty alleviation.
On his part, Geita Regional Administrative Secretary, Denis Bandisa said the telecom infrastructures established in the two villages will help various groups to communicate, run their business in order to contribute to building robust economic growth.
Chato District Commissioner, Charles Kabeho said the district authority is impressed with the efforts of connecting the two villages with reliable telecom services.
The TTCL Corporation Director General, Waziri Kindamba asked residents from the two villages to make efficient use of the telecom services to increase their income and contribute to the country's economy.
"We are asking all residents to support the government efforts of extending telecom services by acquiring TTCL SIM Cards in order to benefit from the efficient, secure and affordable T-Pesa services," he said.
The Chief Executive Officer of the UCSAF, Justina Mashiba, said the achievements in expanding telecom services to different parts of the country were made possible by government through UCSAF.

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