Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tanzania: EALA to Address Members' Financial Remittance On Time

The newly launched East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Strategic Plan is set to emphasize on the need of partner states to honour their financial obligations.

According to an EALA member, Mr Oburu Oginga, the five-year strategy will also highlight on financial remittances by the partner states that has proved to be an Achilles heel and for some time now, seen some East African Community (EAC) institutions being unable to meet their financial obligations.

"Although the issue of remittances is well captured in the treaty, the strategic plan will also highlight on the delays in remittance by the partner states," explained Mr Oginga, in a virtual interview on Monday evening shortly after the launch of the EALA 2019-2024 strategic plan.

However, Mr Oginga who also chaired a subcommittee of lawmakers that prepared the publication said the assembly will continue to hold partner states accountable to the cause.

According to the Kenyan lawmaker, the strategic plan will also address the need of EALA to be autonomous and have an independent financing mechanism.

"Much as the remittances have not been so forthcoming, we need to have an independent source," he counselled.

Detailing further on the publication, Mr Oginga said the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan will follow up on the implementation of the Common Market Protocol, a second Regional Integration milestone of the East African Community (EAC), which has been in force since 2010, in line with the provisions of the EAC Treaty.

It follows the Customs Union, which became fullyfledged in January 2010.

On her part, a member to the subcommittee Fatuma Ndangiza said the five year strategic plan will strengthen relationship between the assembly and parliaments within the six partner states.

"We will broaden the participation of key stakeholders in the assembly," she explained. Earlier on, EALA Speaker Martin Ngoga described the plan as an all-inclusive document which illustrates the commitment to the envisaged political integration. "Real test comes in the implementation of the plan," he challenged.

Among other things, the strategic plan provides a framework for implementing and delivering the mandate and functions of the assembly as required by the Treaty for the Establishment of EAC.


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