Monday, September 21, 2020

Tanzania: Crdb Plans to Make Tanzania Ever Green

PichaCRDB Bank plans to plant 100,000 trees in the next three months through a new campaign to beautify Tanzania environmentally.

Through this campaign, launched last Saturday, the government commended the bank's drive and appointed it a new environment ambassador.

Initially, the drive of planting 100,000 trees started in Goba, Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam, on Saturday and will be replicated in Dodoma. Then next year it will be spread to the entire country.

Minister of State in the Vice-President's Office (Union and Environment) Mussa Azzan Zungu appointed the bank as the ambassador for the environment during the launch of the campaign at Goba Secondary School grounds.

"Thanks to CRDB Bank for this initiative to encourage citizens to care for our environment. The government will continue supporting these efforts so that we can achieve the goal of improving and caring for our environment for present and future generations," Mr Zungu said.

The minister, also, urged other institutions to emulate CRDB Bank's initiative in prioritising environmental issues.

On the first day of the campaign, the bank and other stakeholders planted 2,000 trees in secondary schools' compounds.

Mr Zungu said the campaign to beatify Tanzania had come at the right time as the government wanted to plant half a million trees in each municipal council a year in a national drive to conserve and protect the environment.

Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Aboubakari Kunenge used the occasion to woo residents to plant at least a tree in their residential areas as part of their support for the campaign.

"Thanks to CRDB Bank for honouring our region through this campaign. I promise to work with you to make this drive successful," Mr Kunenge said.

CRDB Chief Executive Officer Abdulmajid Nsekela noted that the initiative was part of the bank to extend its corporate social responsibility whereby 1.0 per cent of profit was set aside for the cause.

"The purpose of this campaign is to encourage residents protect the environment. We have started with all schools in Goba Ward where we have planned to plant 2,000 trees," Mr Nsekela said.

The campaign is expected to be launched in all villages in the country as a way of fighting global warming.

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