Saturday, September 5, 2020

KPA Extends Free Cargo Storage For Extra 90 Days

KPA Extends Free Cargo Storage For Extra 90 Days - Capital Business
NAIROBI, Kenya- Kenya Ports Authority has extended the free storage offer to its customer for another 90 days.  
In a statement, KPA Managing Director Rashid Salim says the extension is in line with the Authority’s continuous and deliberate efforts of cushioning customers on effects of COVID-19 which
has impacted the whole transport logistics chain. 
“The Authority wishes to announce to the general public that the free storage period that we had granted to our customers on 18th May for a period of 90 days has been extended for another 90 days,” Salim spoke of the period which lapses in Mid-November. 
In the 90-day window period, importers will get additional storage days, subject to review after the validity period, depending on the business dynamics. 
Transit Import Containers at the ICD Naivasha are the biggest winners with an additional 30 days of free storage.  
Import Containers on transit at the ICD Embakasi will get 14 free days, up from an initial 9 days.   
Meanwhile, export containers on transit will get 20 free storage days up from 15 days.  
Domestic export containers will also have additional days from 9 to 15.  
However, domestic import containers have not had their days increased and will remain at 4 free storage days. 

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