Sunday, September 20, 2020

How right attitude will take you out of financial storm


It is said that life is not a straight line; stuff happen, some exciting, others quite destabilising. However, 'How' you navigate is a great 'Deal' to how faster and well you pull through.


    • We are living in some very troubling economic times.
    • By September, statistics showed that 2 out of 10 people in Kenya had lost jobs or income from their businesses.
    • The ripple effect is predicted to be huge and equally the number of people seeking new opportunities or ways to cope and thrive.

We are living in some very troubling economic times. By September, statistics showed that 2 out of 10 people in Kenya had lost jobs or income from their businesses. The ripple effect is predicted to be huge and equally the number of people seeking new opportunities or ways to cope and thrive.

Naturally, people respond differently to challenging and uncertain situations. However, it’s important to be conscious of the energy you emit and carry around as you seek help for a job or business opportunity.

Ever noticed that when things in your life are going really well, working on your attitude is hardly on your list? While when things go sideways- in facing adversities- our attitude slips, tends to bottom out!

But here is the thing; while this can be termed as normal, it’s a major determinant of how first and well you pull out of the adversity or challenge at hand.

Napoleon Hill’s 29 Factors of a Pleasing Personality, hints that, if you want more people to harmonise with you and willingly help you accomplish your goals, then turn your personality into an asset of immeasurable value by cultivating the qualities of a pleasing personality.

Below are tips to help you navigate and land your next opportunity faster

The practice of these tips will help you build a magnetising attitude and personality as you engage your network, friends, or family for opportunities.

1. Manage your Focus

Yes, things are not looking up. It’s taking time to get the opportunity you want. The fact is what you focus on grows/expands. Be conscious of where your focus is. Condition it on the positive flip and steps you are taking in your plan to rise.

Keep off the pity parties and more so online. People will repel you! Complaining, even online how you don’t have a job, how you badly need one and how it’s taking longer to get etc. doesn’t put you in a good light with your potential helper.

2. Reflect the Person you Want Help From

Ask yourself what your potential employer, customer, or network would be looking out for/ is of value to them. Build your skill, capability, and solution around this and rollout a showcase with them in mind. If you can create value, then opportunity definitely will find you. Serious people are looking for instances that add value to their business/ lives.

3. Know and Leverage on your Strengths

More often than not, our careers box us up; making us tend to think we are good at this one particular thing that we have invested in and taken us long to learn and build. Taking yourself for a self-awareness journey might surprise you. There are things you can do effortlessly that solve other people’s problems; you probably have been doing them. There you go! Refocus, repackage and if you like, monetise.

4. Be open, Honest, and Assertive

In an adverse uncertain situation, something that can further derail you is by keeping it all to yourself and draining your mind in it. Understand you are not the only one - get open and brute honest to yourself on what needs to be done. This situation need not to bring you down but transition you to something else; upward and better.

Be firm on what you want for yourself, show people how you can help/add value- demonstrate your capabilities, your success track record and mean it.

5. Focus on Your Total Wellness

Yes, you will experience the energy dips. The good news is that, there are simple ways to keep you up in good spirit that elevate your energy and resourcefulness; -

i. Put up a simple exercise routine- dance to your favourite music-make it 30 minutes or more, go for a jog with friends-a good opportunity to share value and lift your spirit.

ii. Practise mindfulness if you Like- it’s powerful in my view. Meditate, focus on the things that matter to you, practice Self-affirmation daily.

iii. Choose your trusted circle and open up- share what’s happening, your feelings, and what you are going through, how you are coping, and navigating. Ask for their thought, advice, or help where possible.

iv. Seek out professional help if you feel stuck-wellness experts.


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