Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Strategies to boost your online business sales

By Peter Theuri |

With the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is being ushered into a new normal, and online business is a

big part of it. But that also means having to learn new tricks to outsmart competition that will now be harsher than ever. Here are some of the strategies that one should use to ensure that their online business is as strong as could possibly be and keep competitors in check.  

1. Be an honest brand

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Many can attest to seeing a product advertised online, purchasing it, and receiving a laughable version of the said good. That is a dishonest business, and while you may get some first-time customers, they will not be returning for a second dupe. And another thing is that reviews have never been more important than now. Disgruntled customers will tell all and sundry of their experience with your business, and your reputation will go to the dogs in minutes. In the world of online businesses, reputation is everything.  When advertising goods and services on your website, be as honest as possible. Only advertise what you can deliver. Be honest, straightforward, and approachable in all your sales copy, from your homepage to your email campaigns.   

2. Use ad-extensions

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Now that you have taken your business online, it will do your sales some good to get some advertising done. And as you seek these out, always look for, and make use of the ad-extension options. It is a no-brainer that customers will go for the website that is simplest to use and that gives them access to everything they need with the fewest possible clicks. Ad extensions save the potential customer a step and make it easier and faster to find exactly what they want so they go to your site instead of a competitors’. An ad extension is basically a feature that shows extra business information with your ad, like an address, phone number, store rating, or more web page links. It will lead to more traffic flow to your business.   

3. Show off customer testimonials 

These, alongside statements of trust, sell a product faster than any other strategy.

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Have you ever been on Playstore and before downloading an app first opted to read what other customers have had to say about the product? And possibly, that determined whether you downloaded the application or not.  Your satisfied customers can provide you with one of the most valuable weapons in your arsenal – testimonials. The customer reviews may appear on your landing pages, pricing page, or even your home pages. This can be on your social media pages, the website or both.   

4. Reduce choices offered to customers 

Have you heard of something called the burden of choice? Offering a variety is the dream of every business person so that customers can always find what they want. But also, look at the possibility of customers being taken aback by the thought of having to comb through endless options to select their desired product. If you have a wide range of products, structure your site or product pages in a way that offers visitors the fewest choices possible. Arrange your products into increasingly narrow categories or place greater emphasis on fewer individual products. Remember that the more choices you provide, the more likely a customer is to bounce and go elsewhere.  

5. Provide as many payment options as you possibly can 

It is discouraging to love a product and even be willing to purchase it, but you cannot pay for it because the only payment option on offer is unavailable in your locality, or is rigorous to use. Customers love to have the easiest experience when interacting with your product, no way to achieve that better than offer them payment options that they can easily identify with and use with ease. Adopt newer services that are becoming increasingly popular on mobile, thus making it easier for prospects to pay.

6. Address every customer query about your product 

Assume your customer is a naïve buyer who does not understand much about a product. Consider every question you can think of about your product, and answer it in your copy on your product pages. Similarly, think about every potential objection a prospect might have about your offering, and preemptively overcome it in your copy. This ensures that people visiting the website have the necessary information on the use and operation of a good, and can therefore make a very informed choice. Customers will love to click on, say, a cell phone site that cites the characteristics and limitations of every phone on display than one that only places pictures of the products, in their top allure, but without description that can guide their spending.  

7. Create a good mobile site 

It is possible that a lot of traffic that will access your website will be through mobile phones. It is, therefore, imperative for one to customise a mobile site that will make it possible for customers to get onto the site from the comfort of their phones. Easy navigation and good user experience are among the most crucial elements of a well-designed, highly optimised mobile experience. The harder it is for visitors to find and buy what they want, the more likely they are to abandon your site altogether and try their luck elsewhere. Pages should load almost instantaneously, and navigation should be easy and logical. Also, the site should not ask for too much information; only the bare minimum you need to either make the sale or market to prospects later.  

8. Respond to queries on social media 

It is a business like any other, and customers will want to feel like their voices are heard, complaints addressed and their recommendations acknowledged. Active engagement with prospects via social media is one of the best ways you can increase brand awareness, customer satisfaction, and sales. Be available to speak to clients. Give them the assurance that you are available. Providing fast, honest answers to questions that potential customers have about your products increases sales, as the more attention you are perceived as paying to potential customers, the more people will trust you enough to want to buy from you.  

9. Identify local needs 

Like in every other business, you are here basically because you have a market to serve. There are people in need of the product you are offering. You have to look at how many others offer the same, their ability to satisfy the market, their fortunes and the alternative you can always give.   hustle@standardmedia.co.ke  


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