Information for Tax Purposes, the African Union and African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), in close partnership with the African Development Bank - noted the need for African countries to engage further in revenue mobilization, a concern sharpened by the backdrop of the ongoing global novel coronavirus pandemic.
“Requests for information directly translate into additional tax revenue and that’s what counts. We have five African countries identifying nearly $12 million in additional revenue, and eight African countries secured $189 million of additional revenue between 2014 and 2019,”Manatta said.
African Development Bank’s Director, Governance and Public Financial Management, Abdoulaye Coulibaly said; “The African Development Bank firmly believes that collaborations with both regional and international partners are key to moving forward the agenda on tax transparency which has significant impact on domestic resource mobilization, the achievement of the SDGs and other regional aspirations including the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Bank’s own High Fives.” .
He also underscored that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic recalls the critical importance of domestic resource mobilization in Africa, in particular in relation to tax transparency and the fight against illicit flows, in order to further protect populations against threats to their livelihoods.
The Africa Initiative, which launched in 2014, is a partnership of the Global Forum, its African members and regional and international organizations, including the African Development Bank, ATAF, and The World Bank. The Global Forum has a self-standing dedicated secretariat based in the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration.
The African Development Bank, an observer to the Global Forum since 2014, also participates in the Africa Initiative. The Bank promotes African tax transparency through support to institutions and non-state actors in its regional member countries and by strengthening international co-operation to eliminate IFFs.
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