As the outbreak of Coronavirus in China intensified, Brent crude
oil prices dropped from $65 to a
low of $56, a more than 10 percent drop within a fortnight which is the largest oil price change in recent months. This is due to real fears that the virus outbreak will significantly slow down the Chinese and global economies which are closely inter-linked. Depressed economies mean reduced oil demands and lower prices as the world continues to swim in a pool of oil over-supply.
low of $56, a more than 10 percent drop within a fortnight which is the largest oil price change in recent months. This is due to real fears that the virus outbreak will significantly slow down the Chinese and global economies which are closely inter-linked. Depressed economies mean reduced oil demands and lower prices as the world continues to swim in a pool of oil over-supply.
As the global Coronavirus emergency was
being declared last week, over 300 deaths had been reported, with over
17,000 infections confirmed, and the spread of infections to over 20
countries reported. Global impacts by the virus cannot be underestimated
as individual countries around the world take precautionary measures
which directly and indirectly slow down overall global economy.
is the engine room of the world, the second largest global economy and a
key consumer and importer of oil. Until preventive and curative
measures for the virus are fully developed, the virus will remain a
major socio-economic threat to the entire world, not just China.
Significant economic downturn in China is already being experienced as
human and business activities are limited by official and voluntary
Internationally, flights and shipping into
and out of China have been significantly reduced or entirely banned to
curtail human contact to limit global spread of the virus. For instance,
shipments of oil from Latin America to China have been suspended by
Brazil and Columbia as precautions against the virus. All these
prohibitive measures are negatively impacting global trade and economic
performance, while reducing energy and oil demands
it is the jet fuels demands that will be most impacted by reduced
flights to and from China, while diesel and gasoline demands will be
affected by Chinese travel restrictions and lockdowns. As international
shipping reduces it impacts imports and exports which reduces
manufacturing and industrial energy uptake.
The virus calamity has only made a limping Chinese economy much
worse. The long drawn-out trade dispute between China and USA had
already weighed down the Chinese economy. The trade benefits anticipated
from the Phase One China/USA deal signed last month will certainly be
diluted by the virus outbreak. To stabilise the economy and reassure
investors, the Chinese central bank is already pumping billions of
dollars into the economy.
The world was already
over-supplied with oil and global demands were limping before the
outbreak of the virus. When Libya lost as much as one million barrels
per day of oil exports last month due to the ongoing military
hostilities, the oil markets remained unperturbed. Further, the ongoing
global oil supply shortfalls from Iran economic sanctions continue to be
comfortably balanced by oil from new sources, like increased US shale
production and new production from Guyana.
Will the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) intervene with
further self imposed oil production cuts? Already reductions amounting
to 1.6 million barrels per day are in force until end of March this
year. To safeguard oil prices from further drop, the OPEC may vote for
more production cuts and/or extend the timeline to beyond March. If they
do not do this we are likely to see oil prices drop to below $50, which
is good for countries like Kenya which are net oil importers.
Kenya discovered oil in 2012, the subject of oil prices has always been
a dichotomy — higher prices encouraged development of Turkana oil,
while they hurt consumers and the economy. However with the recent
dithering by the Turkana oil investors who are planning to partially
divest from Turkana, sympathies are definitely with low oil prices. If
at $65 the investor economics were not good enough, it will be a
disaster for them and Turkana oil when prices rush down to $50.
sincere prayers are that Coronavirus solutions are found sooner than
later. Kenya is part of the global economy, and when the Chinese economy
is down, our will also be down. Coronavirus may turn out to the single
most impactful global event in 2020.
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