Friday, January 10, 2020

Public Schools Trail Private in Form II, Standard Iv Results

Dar es Salaam — Private schools shined in the Form Two and Standard IV national exams, according to results announced by the
National Examinations Council of Tanzania (Necta) yesterday.
The results of exams that were sat in November last year show that 1.6 million out of registered 1.7 million students had sat for their Form Four exams while 571,586 out of registered 609,357 did their Form Two national exams.
Necta executive director Dr Charles Musonde mentioned top ten schools for Form Two exams as St Francis Girls, Kemebos, Centennial Christian Seminary, Thomas More Machira, Bethel Sabs Girls, St Augustine-Tagaste, Bright Future Girls, Anwarite Girls, Feza Girls and Canossa.
Nine out of ten best performing students were from Marian Boys Secondary School while a girl student from Canossa Secondary School scooped the tenth position.
Overall performances show that the pass rate for Form Two examinations was 90 per cent of all candidates who will join Form Three this year.
This means that 514,251 students out 571,137 registered for the exams have passed. About 270,750 were girls while 243,501 were boys.
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According to the Necta boss, nearly all students recorded a pass mark ranging between 50.28 and 92.19 percent on primary subjects but performed poorly in mathematics, chemistry and history.
Standard Four exams
According to Necta, some 1.53 million out of 1.66 million candidates who sat for Standard Four examinations scored A,B,C and D, an increase by 26.21 percent compared with the 2018 performances.
He mentioned the best performing school as Kemebos, Tumaini, Johnson Excellency, Mwilamvya, Twibhoki, Rweikiza, Bohari, Peaceland, St. Anne Marie and Rishor primary schools.
Kilimanjaro, Iringa and Arusha emerged best performing regions in the Form Two exams, while Dar es Salaam, Kagera and Kilimanjaro recorded top performance in the Standard Four exams.
Necta boss said other regions including Lindi also registered an upward trend performance for Form Two exams at 2.71 percent for three consecutive years while Tabora and Mara recorded falling performances.
Standard Four results show Ruvuma, Dar es Salaam and Morogoro have increased the number of performances for three consecutive years while the performance for Kigoma, Geita and Tabora regions were falling.
Dr Musonde also said the results analysis has shown that best performing district councils for Form Two examinations were Bagamoyo, Bukoba (M), Meru, Njombe. Morogoro (U), Monduli, Kibaha (U),Moshi (U), Moshi (R) and Arusha.
Others were Meatu, Madaba, Newala, Arusha, Lindi (M), Siha, Ukerewe, Kibaha, Kiteto and Liwale.
However, the overall performances of Kilindi, Mkuranga, Nzega, Kasulu, Buhigwe, Bukombe, Kigoma, Ulanga, Musoma and Serengeti district councils fell.
Namtumbo, Longido, Tarime, Ukerewe, Maswa, Nanyamba Town, Masasi Town, Kyela, Kilosa and Bariadi Rural were named as among disctrict councils whose pass rates has increased for three years consecutively.

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