Wednesday, November 14, 2018

UN lifts sanctions on Eritrea

Eritrea's President Isaias Afeworki
Eritrea's President Isaias Afeworki smiles upon his arrival at the airport in Gondar, for a visit in Ethiopia, on November 9, 2018. UN Security Council on November 14, 2018 voted unanimously to lift sanctions on Eritrea, which were imposed nine years ago. PHOTO | EDUARDO SOTERAS | AFP 
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The UN Security Council on Wednesday lifted sanctions on Eritrea following a landmark peace deal with Ethiopia and a thaw with Djibouti that have buoyed hopes for positive change in the Horn of Africa.
The council unanimously adopted a British-drafted resolution lifting the arms embargo, all travels bans, asset freezes and targeted sanctions against Eritrea.
Eritrea and Ethiopia signed a peace deal in July that ended two decades of hostility and led to friendlier relations with Djibouti, shoring up prospects for stability in the Horn of Africa.
The resolution calls on Eritrea and Djibouti to continue efforts to settle a 2008 border dispute and asks Asmara to release information concerning Djiboutian soldiers missing in clashes a decade ago.
At France's request, the council will hear a report every six months on Eritrea's efforts to normalize relations with Djibouti, where France, the United States and China all have military bases.
The council slapped sanctions on Eritrea in 2009 for its alleged support of Al-Shabaab insurgents in Somalia, a claim Asmara has long denied.
The resolution acknowledged that UN monitors have "not found conclusive evidence that Eritrea supports Al-Shabaab" and declared that the sanctions and arms embargo ended with the adoption of the measure.
Foreign investors
Ethiopian Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie said the end of sanctions will "definitely open up a lot of possibilities for Eritrea," drawing foreign investors and bringing Asmara back into the international fold.
"The decision will give an impetus for us to look to what the future can offer to the people of the region while at the same time send a message for us to engage in solving current problems and challenges," the ambassador told AFP.
Eritrea and Somalia strongly supported calls to end sanctions, and negotiations over the past two weeks focused on addressing concerns about Djibouti.
"There were concerns by Djibouti," the ambassador said, "but these concerns are not insurmountable. We strongly believe that the leaders of these two countries are willing to deal with the issues."
Human rights abuse
The ambassador told reporters ahead of the vote that the lifting of sanctions would help promote respect for human rights in Eritrea.
UN officials have reported serious abuses by the Eritrean government that have triggered a major exodus of Eritreans from their country.
"The current developments will have, definitely, ripple effects in terms of economic progress, prosperity as well as human rights," said the Ethiopian ambassador.
In his address to the General Assembly in September, Eritrea's Foreign Minister Osman Mohammed Saleh slammed the sanctions as "unwarranted," saying they had caused "considerable economic damage" and hardship for Eritreans.
Eritrea gained its independence from Ethiopia in the early 1990s, and war broke out later that decade over a border dispute.
A 2002 UN-backed boundary demarcation was meant to settle the dispute for good, but Ethiopia refused to abide by it.
A turnaround began in June when Ethiopia announced it would hand back to Eritrea disputed areas including the flashpoint town of Badme, where the first shots of the border war were fired.

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