Tuesday, October 30, 2018

UIA boss Kaguhangire fired

Ms Jolly Kaguhangire says the decision to fire
Ms Jolly Kaguhangire says the decision to fire her has not been brought to her attention. FILE PHOTO  
By Christine Kasemiire
Kampala. Uganda Investment Authority has terminated the contract of interdicted executive director Jolly Kaguhangire with immediate effect.
In an October 26 letter, Mr Emely Kugonza, the UIA chairman, informed Ms Kaguhangire of the board’s decision that had been reached in a special sitting.
“The board [UIA] has resolved in a special meeting of October 26, 2018 … to terminate your employment contract as executive director with immediate effect,” the letter reads in part.
The decision, the letter said, had been reached based on findings of an independent investigation that was conducted by a six-member committee into circumstances surrounding allegations against her.
Ms Kaguhangire was in June interdicted pending findings of investigations into alleged misuse of office, gross insubordination, incompetence, concealment, misinformation, lying to the board, defiance and misconduct of interdiction.
However, investigations, according to the letter, found her culpable of the above leading to the decision to fire her.
“All the above amount to gross misconduct in line with section 922 of the Human Resource manual. I therefore inform you that your employment as Uganda Investment Authority executive director is hereby terminated with immediate effect,” the letter said.
Mr Kugonza confirmed the decision yesterday, however, he could not divulge more details, saying he was still held up in a meeting.
In a brief text, he said Mr Basil Ajer, who has been acting executive director, would continue to hold the position until further notice.
Yesterday Ms Kaguhangire told Daily Monitor she was not aware of any decision by UIA to fire her.
In a telephone interview, she said no letter in that regard had been brought to her attention, adding that the termination, if true, would not be appropriate because none of the grounds for which she was interdicted would call for her firing.
“There are strong grounds for someone to be fired, which I do not think would be appropriate for me. I cannot imagine such,” she said.
Asked about the matter, Ms Evelyn Anite, the Investment state minister, asked Daily Monitor to inquire from Finance Minister Matia Kasaija as she had not been consulted on the proceedings of the board right from interdiction. However, Mr Kasaija said he had no knowledge of the decision, adding: “I have not seen the report, so I cannot comment.”
Ms Kaguhangire has been fighting for her job since June having instituted a court case in which she sought to block UIA from investigating her. However, she later withdrew the case in September, which gave way for the completion of the probe against her.
Timeline of events
Jun 25. Two petitions are sent to the IGG seeking an investigation into Ms Kaguhangire’s conduct.
Jun 29. The UIA board makes a decision to suspend Ms Kaguhangire pending investigation into alleged misuse of office, gross insubordination, incompetence, concealment, misinformation and lying to the board.
Jul 12. She refuses to leave, forcing UIA board to break into the office during a scheduled handover to Acting executive director Mr Basil Ajer.
Sep 21. Court stops UIA investigations into the claims against Ms Kaguhangire. However, she withdrawals the case clearing the way for completion of the investigation.
Oct 26. UIA board reaches a decision to sack Ms Kaguhangire.

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