Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) Innocent Gasasira, the Western region Police Spokesperson said that the suspect was arrested on June 28 at about 3:30 am in Kabutare Village of Kigarama Cell in Gishyita Sector.
“Habimana was arrested by security personnel on the shores of Lake Kivu with 30 bales of clothes on the boat he had used to cross over from DR. Congo,” CIP Gasasira said.
“He, however, tried unsuccessfully to bribe them with Rwf235, 000 to let him go with his smuggled goods, and was immediately taken into custody, and currently detained at Gishyita Police Station where the seized bales of clothes were also taken,” he added.
The arrest comes barely a week after three vehicles were also intercepted separately in Nyagatare and Burera district loaded with combined 192 bales of smuggled second-hand clothes.
Under the East African Community Management Act in its article 199, seized smuggled goods are auctioned, while article 369 of the Rwandan Penal Code provides a penalty equal to the evaded tax.
Attempted bribery, under article 641 of the penal code attract a term of imprisonment of more than five to seven years and a fine of twice to 10 times the value of the illegal benefit he/she offered or promised.
Gasasira called for continued cooperation and information sharing against smuggling or any illegal and criminal acts.
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