Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Union challenges make us stronger - Minister

Vice-President’s Office (Environment and Union Affairs), Mr January Makamba, said the challenges facing the Tanzania Mainland and the Isles Union do not tear apart the two parties, but instead make them stronger to forge ahead as a team.

Tabling his budget estimates in the Parliament here yesterday, Mr Makamba said both parties are addressing the challenges which arise now and then collectively with the ultimate goal of being the best union.
“For the time being, we are having discussions and dialogue on the best practices to improve our Union based on the challenges and the best modalities on how to solve them,” he told the legislators.
The minister pointed out that discussion was the best way forward and assured Members of Parliament (MPs) that everything was okay with nothing likely to shake the Union’s existence.
Without going into details, Mr Makamba said there are some sections of the people who are trying to come up with an argument on the legality of the Union, without realising that they are working on means to strengthen it, by simply discussing challenges which are common in it.
“Our Union is going on stronger and no any challenges may pull us behind or divide us. We are happy that the discussions are now from people from all walks of life on how to toughen it, he further said.
Mr Makamba promised to work on the ideas and issues which are raised to see into it that the Union flourishes and called upon the public to ‘brace for it’ for the benefit of both parties politically, economically and socially.
Outlining the measures taken during the 2017/18 financial year to address the Union issues under the Joint Union Committee Chaired by Vice-President, Ms Samia Suluhu Hassan, he said: “They managed to organise meetings for Financial, Transport and Business sectors from both parties of the Union and attend to their challenges.”
In 2018/19 financial year, Mr Makamba said they would make a follow up of the deliberations of the Joint Union Committee and coordinate all its economic, political and social issues in order to improve the welfare of people from both parties of the Union.
On his side, the Constitution and Legal Affairs Committee Chairman, Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa, commended the work of the Joint Union Committee in addressing the matters raised in it.
“We want your office to make sure they organise the meeting with the Ministry of Industries and Trade, Marketing and Business Departments from both parties of the Union for a lasting solution within East Africa” he said.

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