Tuesday, April 17, 2018

EU to sanction South Sudan peace violators

Members of the White Army, a South Sudanese
Members of the White Army, a South Sudanese anti-government militia, attend a rally in Nasir on April 14, 2014. The European Union has advised the parties to the conflict to immediately cease fighting and participate in the peace process in good faith. PHOTO FILE | AFP 
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The European Union has expressed deep concern over the continued violations of the truce in South Sudan.
In a statement issued late Monday, EU described the human rights situation in the young nation as 'grave'.
"We reaffirm deep concern at the continued fighting and grave violations and abuses of human rights that have inflicted horrific levels of human suffering and left the country in ruins," the statement reads.
"The EU urges all parties to the negotiations to put the future of the country and the needs of its people first," it says.
The agency also advised the parties to the conflict to immediately cease fighting and participate in the peace process in good faith.
It also warned that the EU was ready to take punitive measures against those obstructing the peace.

"The EU remains ready to apply all appropriate measures to those obstructing the political process," it added.
South Sudan parties are expected to hold the last round of peace talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on April 26.
The US has also issued similar threats of tough sanctions against individuals obstructing the peace process.
The US urged Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (Igad) to unveil the list of the South Sudan peace violators.

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