Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Bukoba father nabbed for hacking twin children

By James Kamala
Respicius Diocress, a resident of Butayaibega village in Bukoba District has been apprehended by police following accusation of slaughtering his own twin children. According to Kagera Region Police Commander Augustine Ollomi, the accused was arrested in Mwanza on April 16 where he went into hiding and plans are in place to bring him back to Bukoba for further legal actions. "

I noticed that the bodies of Devotha Nyangoma and her twin brother, Johannes Kato (4) lying on the floor with their heads decapitated, in the accused's house" said Geofrey Deogratias, Butayaibega Village Executive Officer (VEO).
He further explained that the accused was with three children with him in his house but he did not kill his eldest son, Japhet Respichius (5) who witnessed the butchering of his twin siblings.
The VEO also said that after killing his twin children, the accused handed Japhet a Bible to pray for the victims before disappearing into hiding. The VEO also said that the accused went on sending text messages to him and other village leaders which read "Tell Georgina who is a grandmother to my wife Kokwenda that what she wanted has been accomplished, that is killing Nyangoma and Kato, I will kill two others before reporting to police station, so don"t search for me" Kagera region's indigenous people, are among communities with unfriendly taboos to twin children who are regarded as bad luck and catastrophe bringers and people to be approached with special spritual attention which exposes them to stigmatization, psychological problems as well as death.

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