The death last week of Sudan, the last male northern white
rhino, in Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy is a stark reminder of how
vulnerable and rare African wildlife is.
Just a few
years ago, some experts estimated illegally-traded rhino horn to be of
higher value by weight than either gold or cocaine at $65,000 per
kilogramme in consumer markets.
Behind the poachers on
the ground are international profit-making networks that threaten
African wildlife and murder anyone who gets in the way.
ongoing trial of eight individuals in connection with the murder of
Wayne Lotter, the anti-poaching investigator, who was killed in Tanzania
in August 2017 shows how far the poaching networks will go to protect
their criminal trade.
It also shows that with determination, inter-agency cooperation
and good use of financial investigatory tools, inroads can be made
against the poachers.
Demand for ivory in consumer
markets, particularly in Asia, needs to be addressed but simultaneously
we must fundamentally change the cost-benefit equation for criminal
leaders and drive them out of business.
Over the past
four years the Tanzanian serious crimes investigation has arrested
nearly 900 individuals involved in ivory poaching yet the trade
Convicting the leaders who run the networks
is still rare which is where financial measures and investigations need
to be used more systematically, just as they are used to tackle the
funding of al Shabaab, drugs, human trafficking and other organised
Anti-money laundering measures and financial
investigation that trace the money can help to identify the accomplices
and ringleaders of those who are caught red-handed; identify and seize
laundered assets and property; track the movement of individuals; link
suspects to criminality and has played a critical role in successful
The scale of the trade in illegal wildlife
is such that criminals have to rely on formal financial systems to
launder their money — through banks, money exchanges or mobile-based
transfers — and this makes them vulnerable to regulation and detection.
are three areas governments and law enforcement agencies can improve on
to deter would-be poachers who want to launder their money.
are the foundations of our EU-funded programme to help ten East African
countries prevent money laundering and terrorist funding. First, better
understand the specific methods and channels used by poachers and
launderers and tighten up loopholes.
it is about increasing the threat of being caught, convicted and
financially punished. Often it is only the lower level poachers and
traders that are convicted in Africa but the sentencing of ivory
smuggling leader, Feisal Mohammed, for 20 years in 2016, following
cooperation between Tanzanian and Kenyan authorities, was a rare
instance of cross-border cooperation and illustrates what can be done.
authorities can increase the costs of being caught as well as its
likelihood. Forfeiture of assets is key to ensuring crime does not pay.
As well as putting the criminals under pressure, the money systems on
which they depend can be held responsible.
Too often
in East Africa the interception of an ivory shipment and capture of
low-level poachers is the end rather than the beginning of an
Law enforcers need to see poachers as
part of a organised criminal system. The Akasha brothers, who were
extradited from Kenya and charged in the US with being ringleaders of a
major heroin smuggling network, were also linked to 30 tonnes of ivory
seizures as a result of extensive undercover operations by US
Some East African countries’ financial
investigation units are too small and under-resourced for the scale of
the criminal economy they are mandated to uncover. There also needs to
be greater powers for investigators to extract confidential data from
financial institutions.
former British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, compared financial
information and forensic accounting to the impact fingerprints and DNA
brought about in criminal investigations in previous centuries.
the lead up to this year’s London conference on wildlife crime there is
an opportunity to focus attention on using these tools with greater
effect to disrupt a global problem.
Money laundering
and related organised crime, such as wildlife crime, is by its nature
impossible to accurately quantify. Recent estimates have put the economy
of money laundering at around 2-5 per cent of global GDP, or in the
trillions of US dollars.
Concentrated in certain sectors in some countries money laundering can undermine investment, jobs and economic growth.
poaching, the damage to people and animals, and the scale of profits
involved, are all too visible. The sight of bloody carcasses of
elephants and heaps of seized ivory reflects the cost to African
wildlife and how the sale of a country’s national treasures continues to
profit just a few.
David Hotte is an EU financial investigation and anti-money laundering expert.
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