Friday, December 22, 2017

Swaga Swaga Reserve receives new ‘occupants’

MARC NKWAME in Manyara
AROUND 400 wild animals have been relocated from the Chamwino State House in Dodoma and released into the Swaga-Swaga Game Reserve located 130 kilometres from the municipality.

The Director General of the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA), Dr James Wakibara explained that the exercise to relocate the species of wild animals, among them ferocious reptiles from the Dodoma State House to the game reserve was accomplished successfully, indicating that his authority was well equipped with wildlife experts suited for the task.
“We started the exercise last May and so far we have shifted more than 300 hyraxes, 50 large snakes and a myriad of Monitor lizards from Chamwino State House into the game reserve,” said Dr Wakibara, adding that the additional species of wildlife will boost the Swaga-Swaga Game Reserve which the government is working to promote as the latest tourist attraction.
“Pythons, black and green mambas are some of the 50 large snakes that were moved from the Chamwino State House into Swaga- Swaga Game Reserve. These are quite dangerous reptiles, therefore, the successful translocation places TAWA officials at a better position to execute such tasks in the future,” added the Acting Director of Wildlife Resources, Mr David Kanyata.
More than 300 rock hyraxes, monitor lizards and other wildlife species were also moved from the Dodoma presidential residence into the game reserve which was described to feature the same ecosystem as that of Dodoma municipality, thus making the animals quite comfortable there.
“We are closely monitoring the State House species that were planted here and so far all of them are thriving well,” said Mr Kanyata, who thanked the State House for the gift of new wildlife species to boost the newly established game reserve.
Measuring 871 square kilometres, Swaga-Swaga Game Reserve is strategically located120 kilometres from Babati, the headquarters of Manyara Region, 130 from the Dodoma capital and 240 kilometres from Arusha, which is essentially the hub of the country’s tourism industry.
“Swaga-Swaga is mapped within Chemba and Kondoa districts of Dodoma Region, with parts of it falling into Singida and we are working to make it the choice destination for residents of Dodoma who would like to unwind with wildlife gazing at weekends or during holidays,” stated the Game Reserve Manager, Mr Alex Choya.
According to Mr Choya, the game reserve features rocks, forest and bushy landscapes that are home to some of the largest snakes, elephants, buffaloes, gazelles, lions, leopards, greater and lesser kudus as well as impalas.

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