Thursday, December 21, 2017

Kenyan SMEs need more than ‘Doing Business’ ranking

Despite many hurdles, the Kenyan SME is headed for bigger stake in 2018. FILE PHOTO | NMG Despite many hurdles, the Kenyan SME is headed for bigger stake in 2018. FILE PHOTO | NMG 
Kenya’s small and medium enterprises (SME) have been through one of the most challenging years in recent times.
Other than other well documented systemic challenges that SMEs face, 2017 added interest rate cap, drought and a prolonged electioneering period.
This has been particularly hurting because SMEs remain the economic growth engine for Kenya.
A recent Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) report indicated that SMEs constitute 98 per cent of all business in Kenya, create 30 per cent of the jobs annually as well as contribute three per cent of the GDP.
Under the Micro and Small Enterprises Act of 2002, micro enterprises have a maximum annual turnover of Sh500,000 ($5,000) and employ less than 10 people.
Small enterprises have between $5,000 to $50,000 annual turnovers and employ 10-49 people. Medium ones, while not covered by the Act, have a turnover of between $50,000 and $8 million and employ 50-99 people.
Vision 2030, Kenya’s anchor economic blueprint, under its economic pillar sets out strategies to strengthen the SME sector to grow and innovate.
Increased competitiveness of targeted local industries, defending local industries against counterfeits, development of special economic clusters and consolidation, focus on value addition in agro processing as well as securing strategic partnerships for key agro processed goods make the list what should be done.
All these strategies with a view of reducing imports by 25 per cent grow market share of selected products for the regional market from seven per cent to 15 per cent and attract at least 10 large strategic investors in key agro processing industries.
While developing strategies is commendable by giving a clear direction that enables giving priority and efficient allocation of resources to key national projects, Kenya’s Achilles heel has been strategy execution, a situation where government separates strategy from execution.
Although the World Bank in its report on Doing Business in Kenya in 2017 lauds the country for making progress in making it easier to start a business, many bumps litter the growth path.
The Ease of Doing Business index is a superior performance indicator for any government but is outward looking, in that it is predominantly used by foreign investors to assess whether to invest in a country or not.
The assumption in the ranking is that there is a direct correlation between foreign direct investment activity in a country and the country’s position on this ranking.
The effort by Kenya to improve the county’s ranking is noble and commendable, but it doesn’t help the cause of local SMEs that are the major contributors to Kenya’s GDP and employment.
Cognizant of the aforementioned I was involved in a study to perform a diagnosis of the state of the Kenyan SME sector for the year 2017 and possibly find out what their aspirations for year 2018 are.
Although there are several diagnostic tools for mapping and measuring an entrepreneurial ecosystem, the study team settled for the ANDE developed diagnostic toolkit.
The tool measures the following factors in relation to SMEs: Access to Finance, Access to Market, Infrastructure, Government Policies, Business Support Services, Human Capital and Innovation.
The study team randomly sampled SMEs in various sectors across the country such as manufacturing, aviation, health care, business services; trade, agribusiness, construction and tourism.
The study findings were startling. Sixty-seven per cent of respondents indicated that they couldn’t access financing from third party institutions, instead 80 per cent of their financing coming from combination of business profits and savings with business profits having 60 per cent.
Further, the study indicated that 52 per cent of all respondent managed to access the export market with 43 per cent registering more than 10 per cent revenue growth.
Other indicators were: 96 per cent of respondents indicated that their businesses were affected by the political climate, 52 per cent said they put in significant effort in productivity compared to 2016, while 63 per cent experienced increased staff turnover and 67 per cent accessed business support services.
Finally, 70 per cent of respondents indicated that revenue growth was their major goal for 2018 with diversification, expansion, financing and markets sharing at 30 per cent.
Despite facing a tough year Kenyan SMEs have proven to be resilient compared to bigger companies, majority of who issued profit warnings.
With the elections done and dusted and going by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s plan to focus on economic development, Kenyans we can safely assume SMEs will have plenty to chew on come 2018.
Victor Otieno is Director-Research and Innovation at Wylde International.

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