Friday, December 22, 2017

Connect all power applicants this year - Tanesco ordered

ALL new customers who applied for power to be connected to their houses in 2017 must get the service before the end of the year, Minister for Energy, Dr Merdadi Kalemani has ordered Tanesco.

Speaking at different occasions during his working tour of Singida and Dodoma regions, Dr Kalemani said customers who applied for power connections and made all the required payments to the power utility in 2017 must get the service before December 30.
“Make sure all power connection applicants who filed their applications and made payments, this year, get connected before December 30. This directive must be implemented across the country “the Minister who was on tour of the two regions to inspect power projects insisted.
The Minister also tasked Tanesco executives to sensitise the public, especially rural dwellers, on the benefits of power to their life, something that may inspire them to apply for power connection. Dr Kalemani said statistics showed a section of the public was yet to be connected to power despite the government efforts to distribute it to their residential areas.
“There is a possibility that people were yet to notice or learn about the benefits of electricity. This gives an impression that there is a pressing need for you to visit their areas and sensitise them,” Dr Kalemani ordered Tanesco executives.
Touching on the benefits of electricity, the Minister said power always acted as development catalyst by triggering development projects and other economic activities. He added that it was the fifth phase government’s resolve, delivering under industrialisation theme, to have sufficient and reliable power.
“The government is currently electrifying rural areas with a new speed and vigour. We call upon Tanzanians in those areas to fully exploit opportunities that arise from the power supply by supplementing their incomes through creating income generating activities.”
The Minister hailed efforts by regional and district commissioners, Members of Parliament (MPs), District Executive Directors and Village Executive Officers for carrying out routine follow-ups on all power projects implemented in their areas.
He asked the public to accord full cooperation to the government by protecting power infrastructure in their areas as experience showed some of them ended up being vandalised, bringing unnecessary cost to Tanesco while retarding development.
Dr Kalemani has been crisscrossing the country to inspect power project, including establishing the quality of service delivery by Tanesco.

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