Thursday, August 3, 2017

TPDC devises strategies for charcoal replacement

AMID government efforts to phase out charcoal uses countrywide, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) has come up with plans to supply gas to industrial and residential areas.

TPDC acting Managing Director Engineer Kapuulya Musomba said in Dar es Salaam yesterday that the public utility envisages supplying Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to the public through phases.
TPDC, he said, has divided the country into four zones for studies that will involve mapping to facilitate gas supply. Dar es Salaam, which consumes a large amount of charcoal will be given priority, said Engineer Musomba, hinting that should all go as planned, the study and mapping will begin by the end of this month.
Available data show that Dar es Salaam alone consumes 500,000 tonnes of charcoal annually, contributing to loss of 372,000 hectares of forest land countrywide, per year, due to charcoal production and firewood.
Engineer Musomba said all the activities that will include mapping and laying of gas pipes to industrial and residential areas will be implemented through involvement of private firms under Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement.
Another area for mapping will take on board Mtwara and Lindi regions, said the TPDC chief, noting that because there was a gas pipeline running from the southern area to Dar es Salaam, conducting study and mapping might be easier.
Coast region, an area that has turned into and industrialisation drive leader in the country, is also on the TPDC’s drawing board for CNG supply through pipes.
According to Engineer Musomba, the decision has already been made to lay the pipeline from Mwandege in Mkuranga district to facilitate gas supply in the district and nearby areas, including residential houses.
He further said plans were underway to lay the gas pipeline along the Dar es Salaam-Bagamoyo road, insisting that all houses and institutions along the highway to Bagamoyo, will be reached.
Speaking about plans to reach upcountry regions, Engineer Musomba said the government expects funding from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to carry out studies and mapping in Tanga, Arusha, Dodoma, Mwanza and Mbeya regions.
He said all regions between Dar es Dar es Salaam and Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, Dar es Salaam and Mbeya, will benefit from the project.
Apart from supplying gas to residents through gas pipes, TPDC will invite companies and individuals to distribute the energy to customers in other parts of the country through other transport means.
The government on Tuesday announced plans to phase out the use of charcoal in the country, starting with some of its institutions. Minister of State in VicePresident’s Office, Union and Environment, January Makamba said the government was also in the process of drafting a roadmap that will clearly provide guidance on implementing of the affirmative decision to save the environment.
In drafting the roadmap, the minister said, the private sector, government institutions, NonGovernmental Organisations, local government authorities, oil and gas companies and companies and individuals dealing with alternative methods of charcoal production will be involved

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