Thursday, August 3, 2017

kenya’s beauty that should guide poll

Presidential candidates and religious leaders pray for peace  last week. FILE PHOTO | NMG Presidential candidates and religious leaders pray for peace last week. FILE PHOTO | NMG 
Kenya, land of the hopeful, nation of dreamers, country of doers, cradle of innovators, and humour capital of the world; we stand out unique among people around the world. We balance between traditional and modern, African and Western, analog and digital. Let us not excuse what we see in the news by saying “this is Kenya”. Let us define the Kenya we want, the Kenya we deserve. Let us reframe what we say about ourselves and what we expect. Do not get into what researchers call a negativity spiral where we only feel pessimism leading up to our General Election next week.
Carrying out a massive election with deep-seated vested interests, ethnic consciousness, and a burgeoning youth population pose a challenge to any nation with similar demographics. Certain newsworthy tragedies do pull at our hearts and dampen our enthusiasm for our homeland. Much to our cultural credit, acts of tyranny do shock our collective consciousness. We are not numb to pain and suffering.
Let us peer through the fog of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety and see the promised land that our children and grandchildren will proudly inherit.
I have travelled to 67 countries and I never arrive in any realm whereby I would prefer to live other than Kenya. In my 17 years in this great nation, I see Kenya as full of possibilities. Our capital boasts a stunning building boom with glittering new structures rivalling architectural gem cities such as Chicago. Millions of Kenyans pull themselves out of poverty every decade in the past 30 years. Our phenomenally high literacy rates compare favourably to even the most developed of nations.
Kenya thrives as a bastion of light, bustling medical hub, tourism dynamo, oasis of safety in an unstable region, cradle of innovation, and a hotbed of entrepreneurship. Kenya boasts some of the most well informed citizenry on pertinent current events of anywhere in the world. Nearly every adult Kenyan can name their Member of Parliament, governor, and senator. However, less than half of Americans can do the same. Kenyans devour news and stay up-to-date at lightning speed.
Our growth trajectory even challenges almighty China, all without the same level of massive pollution degrading human life. In adhering to social science research on ending psychological negativity spirals, I challenge every Business Daily reader to set aside their work momentarily, take out a piece of paper or a smart phone and script 15 things that make you proud to be Kenyan and hopeful for our nation.
Next, do the same activity with a new fresh list tomorrow involving your whole family. Shift your mindset. Think of the realistic probability of success rather than the uncertain undefined whirl of failure.
Finally, write down 10 ways that you from this moment will operate in a way worthy of a citizen and a business person of the Kenya that you dream we become over the next 10 years. Remember the cliché that far more unites us than divides us.
I am Kenyan for life. We are Kenyans for life. That is the most meaningful statement one could possible express, pronounce, or dream.
Scott may be reached on or on Twitter: @ScottProfessor.

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