Friday, August 18, 2017

Fish prices shoot up as stocks tumble at ferry market

FISH prices have gone up at Magogoni International Market in Dar es Salaam after fish supplies sharply declined.
The Livestock and Fisheries Officer, Mwanjaa Mwanyenza, told reporters yesterday that the ...
prices have gone up due to the low catch that is experienced by fishermen. She said fish supply is low and the demand is high and therefore high price is inevitable.
“The supply of fish is low but the demand is high and this has affected the prices of fish whereby the prices have gone high compared to the past month.” She said octopus costs 7,000/- per kilogramme, prones cost 8,000/- per kilogramme while 20 kilogramme of sardines is sold at 60,000/- from 30,000 of last month.
Some of the fishermen who spoke to the ‘Daily News’ said always during the full moon fish hid themselves in deep waters, which made it hard for fishermen to catch them. The fish vendors also expressed their frustration, saying it has been difficult for them to get profit from the business.
Ms Amina Athuman said most of fish sellers now fail to pay market fee as required because they get little profit from the business. Vice-Chairman of the fishermen association, Mr Saleh Msean, asked Ilala municipal council to support fishermen by helping them to face various challenges.
He said most of fishermen and fish vendors cannot afford to pay required market fees especially during this time when there is low catch. He said sea food has dropped from between 10 and six tons to an average of two tons during the full moon.

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