Sunday, July 2, 2017

Architectural heritage outfit formed

AS one of the ways to promote and preserve historical architecture in the country, the Dar es Salaam Centre for Architectural Heritage (DARCH) was officially launched in the city yesterday.

DARCH will promote architectural heritage through research, documentation, education and professional training, community outreach and public cultural events.
The building located in Dar es Salaam’s historical Old Boma on the Sokoine Drive waterfront, has undergone renovation at the highest International standards making it a showcase of sustainable conservation and a public centre for the promotion of historical urban environment.
The refurbishment was funded by the European Union (EU) at a cost of about 15.6bn/-, EU also supports seven cultural heritage projects all over Tanzania at a total cost of 7 million euros.
DARCH is a joint initiative of the Architectural Association of Tanzania (AAT), Ardhi University in Dar es Salaam and the Technical University in Berlin, Germany. Its associates include Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers, the British Council and ANZA, East Africa’s first architecture and urban planning magazine.
DARCH Director, Ms Aida Mulokozi, said the building was among the oldest modern standing building aged 160 years. “Together with Dar es Salaam City Council (DCC), we have successful turned the historic building into a public centre celebrating Dar’s urban heritage and history as well as promote it to tourists and general public,” she said during the grand ceremony.
Ms Mulokozi further said heritage preservation should not be misunderstood rather supported as it was among the key driver of economic and social development.
Head of the EU Delegation to Tanzania, Ambassador Roeland van de Geer, said he was pleased to finally see DARCH launched as it was a long and intensive process conducted for three years.
“If we don’t preserve the past that means there is no future, as the city transforms it is cordially important to preserve and renovate oldest building instead of demolishing them as they are the symbol of the real Dar es Salaam city,” he noted.

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