Saturday, April 29, 2017

Dodoma land lease extended to 99 years

 PRESIDENT John Magufuli yesterday directed Dodoma regional authorities to form a committee that will work on changing land occupancy duration in the region from 33 to 99 years.

The Head of State issued the directive at Dodoma Airport when he met with various regional leaders led by Regional Commissioner (RC) Jordan Rugimbana, National Assembly Speaker Job Ndugai and Minister for Works , Transport and Communication, Prof Makame Mbarawa.
According to the President, the committee will comprise of members from the Regional Commissioner's Office, the Office of the National Assembly Speaker, Ministry of Works , Transport and Communication, Dodoma Town Council Director and the Capital Development Authority (CDA) Director General.
He said that Dodoma is the only region facing problems on issues related to land ownership, because its land occupancy certificates are valid for 33 years instead of 99 years, thus stalling development of the area such as investments.
''Dodoma is still facing a major problem on issues related to land ownership, certificates of all land plots which have been leased are valid for 33 years ... we cannot attain our industrialisation drive or attract investors whose certificate of land occupancy is valid for 33 years," he said.
He added that "it will be difficult for investors with a guarantee of 33 years to access loans from the banks ... I think this is one of the laws which discouraged the construction of many factories in the region."
Meanwhile, the President has also accepted the request by University of Dodoma (UDOM) to relieve it from paying land rent debt of more than 2bn/- it owes Capital Development Authority (CDA). ''This university is not doing business but rather providing education to many Tanzanians, most of them from poor families .
"The country laws governing land give power to the President to oversee the resource in the country. Basing on these laws I am giving special offer to UDOM to be relieved of the debt," he said.

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