Wednesday, March 29, 2017

RC irked by constant bickering over land

SIMIYU Regional Commissioner, Anthony Mtaka, has managed to bring to an end a long-standing conflict between an investor of the Makao Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Meatu district and some of the villages forming the management area.

The Investor, Mwiba Holdings, has been in a longstanding conflict with the villages over border demarcation, land ownership contracts and establishment of a ranch by some of the villages, resulting to conflict, with the public refusing to accept assistance from the investor.
It was established that the source of the conflicts was leaders of some of the villages who were fighting for their own personal interests while spreading false reports to the public about the investor. Villages that make up the Makao WMA include Makao, Iramba ndogo, Sapa, Mwangudo, Jinamo, Lukale, Mbushi, Mwabagimu and Sunga.
Apparently, some of the village leaders had been spreading false reports that the regional commissioner and Meatu district commissioner have been bribed by the investor to oppress the public.
RC Mtaka was forced to call a meeting that involved all the parties including Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) regional and district political committee, local government officials at regional and district levels, the nine village leaders under WMA Makao, the investor and other stakeholders including the Meatu Member of Parliament and a representative from the Prime Minister’s Office.
Speaking at the meeting, the regional commissioner admonished those spreading false reports to the public which has resulted to stalling of development matters in the district, promising stern measures against them.
“I do not joke when it comes to development matters of the public; I am ready to be an unpopular leader as long as we continue with development matters. You entered into a contract with the investor and we were not there, and now you must sit down and resolve this matter,” he said.
The RC directed that a beacon with number 314 should be put back in its initial place, urging both parties to meet and ensure the directives are implemented. The beacon in Buhongoja village had been moved by 10 kilometres from its original place.
He also directed that parties in conflict over land ownership to meet and resolve the issue instead of rushing to mediators who have been demanding for hefty sums of money which would have gone into development of the district.
The Regional Administrative Secretary, Jumanne Sagini, pledged to avail three experts who will work with those at the regional level to resolve the conflict on ownership of land within two weeks. Earlier, the Makao Village Chairman, Anthony Philipo, said the village was forced to present the matter to the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration but they were unable to pay the required fee as directed by Judge (rtd) Thomas Mihayo. CCM regional Chairperson, Dr Titus Kamani expressed sadness over the conflict which had slowed down development matters in the region, making it difficult for the ruling party to implement its manifesto.
The Deputy Minister in the Vice-President’s Office (Environment), Mpina Luhaga, who is also the Meatu MP noted that the investor has been upholding all laws in executing his duties.
“I have been following closely on the complaints presented by the public to the government and especially the ministry of natural resources and tourism, and this investor has indeed been adhering to all laws, including making all required payments,” he explained.
Mwiba Holdings Director, Abdulkadir Mohamed Luta noted that he’s ready to work to ensure the matter is resolved so all parties can focus on development issues. He added that the company is willing to foot the bill over land ownership issues currently before the Commission.
On his part, Meatu District Council Chairperson, Pius Machungwa promised Mwiba Holdings a piece of land to build an office at the district headquarters so that the investor can be close to the people.

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