Tuesday, March 28, 2017

MPs told of Sh1.2m Swazuri land bribe

National Land Commission (NLC) chairman Muhammad Swazuri. FILE PHOTO | NMG National Land Commission (NLC) chairman Muhammad Swazuri. FILE PHOTO | NMG  


    • Mugo Njeru told the National Assembly’s Land committee that Dr Swazuri was to receive an additional Sh25 million if the petitioner successfully got paid.
    • He said NLC was to pay him Sh82.8 million for an acre of land for LR No 15100 and also Sh43 million for LR No 9084 measuring seven acres that belonged to his wife, Edith Njeri Mugo.
    • A third party, Dasahe Investment Limited, had also claimed the said piece of land on grounds that it had made some deposits seven years down the line (1999).
National Land Commission (NLC) chairman Muhammad Swazuri received a Sh1.2 million bribe to process compensation for land the government targeted for acquisition to build the standard gauge railway (SGR), a petitioner seeking his removal from office told MPs yesterday.
Mugo Njeru told the National Assembly’s Land committee that Dr Swazuri was to receive an additional Sh25 million if the petitioner successfully got paid for the seven acre piece of land worth Sh43 million.
Mr Mugo told MPs how Dr Swazuri, through an aide Elijah Fadhili Yaa together with lawyer S. Ruwa, allegedly coerced him to pay the bribe dubbed (Mbuzi) in order not to miss out on compensation for railway land. The petitioner claimed that Mr S. Ruwa is the current speaker of the Kwale County Assembly.
Mr Mugo said he travelled to Mombasa in December 2015 where he met Mr Yaa, who chauffeured him from the Moi International Airport to Lotus Hotel in Nyali where they met Dr Swazuri and a woman he identified as his eldest wife.
The woman did not leave the car, but Dr Swazuri alighted and joined them for a cup of tea.
“After some introductions, I told Dr Swazuri that I had come with his Mbuzi as directed by Mr Yaa and he proposed that I should give it to Charo (Yaa) who knows how it will reach him. I was loaded with liquid cash, which I left in Mr Yaa’s vehicle,” he said.
Mr Mugo said Mr Yaa immediately left the hotel after a brief chat with Dr Swazuri and that Dr Swazuri asked Mr Yaa to deliver the money to him at another location in Nyali.
“Yaa later confirmed to me through numerous text messages that the consignment (money) reached Swazuri. I have text messages towards that effect and we have printed them out for tabling before you,” Mr Mugo told the MPs.
He said NLC was to pay him Sh82.8 million for an acre of land for LR No 15100 and also Sh43 million for LR No 9084 measuring seven acres that belonged to his wife, Edith Njeri Mugo.
He accused Dr Swazuri of compensating Tanzanian grain miller Bakresha using a forged title deed instead of making payments to his company, Damla Enterprises Limited.
Mr Mugo alleged that Dr Swazuri, through his conduits, was demanding a further Sh25 million out of the Sh43 million for the remaining parcel of land belonging to his wife. 
A third party, Dasahe Investment Limited, had also claimed the said piece of land on grounds that it had made some deposits seven years down the line (1999).
“I own some land somewhere on Mombasa Road and there has never been a dispute. One acre out of eight was acquired by Kenya Railways for the SGR and we were all invited by NLC to appear before the committee reviewing grants for matters of compensation,” Mr Mugo told the committee.
Mr Mugo said he furnished the NLC committee chaired by Abigail Mbagaya with the relevant documents pertaining to ownership of the land.
He tabled an advisory from the director of survey that was sought by Ms Mbagaya, which he claimed indicated that he was the rightful owner of the land and which Dr Swazuri overlooked.
“I can’t react to it right away. I have just arrived from the US. I was stranded in Washington for 24 hours and as a result I acquired pneumonia. I just come from hospital and I am not ready to respond,” Dr Swazuri said last evening.
He is due to appear before the committee at 10 am this morning.

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