Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Comittee puts ministry to task over unattended CAG queries

THE Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has ordered the Ministry of Energy and Minerals to submit a detailed report on audit queries raised by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG).

Speaking during the committee meeting with the Ministry officials on Monday, PAC Chairperson, Ms Naghenjwa Kaboyoka also directed the CAG to verify the Ministry’s report before it is submitted to the Committee.
Ms Kaboyoka cautioned that her committee will not hesitate to take stern actions against the Ministry’s executives if it will not be satisfied with the report.
“If the report, expected to be submitted to the Committee, will have shortfalls which are contrary to the CAG recommendations, stern measures will be taken against the Ministry executives,” she insisted.
She added: “We are giving you 28 days from today (Monday) to submit an implementation plan on queries raised by the CAG,”.
She said committee members were disappointed by the Ministry's failure to work on the CAG queries especially on human resources management in the sector of oil and natural gas.
Other areas identified by the Committee in which the Ministry has not responded to included management and issuance of licenses on exploration of oil and natural gas.
She insisted that the Ministry should use the 28 days given by the Committee to complete its work because there would be no more extension of time.
Special Seats MP, Tunza Malapo (Chadema) said that she expected that the Ministry’s report could provide thorough information not only to the CAG but also people in the regions endowed with natural gas.
Another MP, Japhet Hasunga ( Vwawa, CCM) expressed his disappointment over the Ministry’s failure to respond to the audit queries.
“The government is investing a lot to ensure that it realises its industrialisation plan and natural gas is among the key sectors for the achievement of this plan,” he said. The Ministry’s Deputy Permanent Secretary, Prof James Mdoe promised to work on the committee’s directives.

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