Sunday, March 26, 2017

CCM reshuffles Regional, District Secretaries

CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has appointed 20 new regional secretaries in the mainland, with 11 others retaining their posts.

The ruling party has in the realignment also promoted some District Secretaries to the regional level. The Party’s Ideology and Publicity Secretary, Mr Humphrey Polepole, told reporters in Dar es Salaam yesterday that CCM had also appointed 76 new District Secretaries and promoted 79 cadres from various posts in the ruling party hierarchy.
“Those who have been dropped from their posts (district and regional secretaries) should report to the party’s headquarters for other procedures,” said Mr Polepole, hinting that the party considered gender balance in the appointment.
At least 30 per cent of the new district secretaries are women, he said. “The appointment of new district secretaries in Zanzibar will be announced soon after completion of the assessment of general election and state of politics,” he added.
Mr Polepole observed that the job posts within CCM will now be announced to all members to attract competent executives, arguing that the special organ will soon be formed to oversee the recruitment exercise.
The party’s new district secretaries who have been promoted to Regional Secretaries are Elias Mpanda for Arusha from Nyamagana District, Saad Kusilawe (Dar es Salaam) from Shinyanga District, Jamila Yusuf (Dodoma) from the party’s Regional Office in Dodoma.
Adam Ngalawa (Geita) has been transferred from Mara Region, Jonathan Mabihya (Kilimanjaro) promoted from Kinondoni District. Other appointees are Mwanamasudi Pazi (Lindi), Christopher Magala (Iringa), Rahel Degeleke (Kagera) and Kajoro Vyahoroka (Katavi).
The list further includes Naomi Kapambala (Kigoma), Paza Mwamlima (Manyara), Innocent Nanzabar (Mara), Wilson Nkhambaku (Mbeya), Zacharia Mwansasu (Mtwara) and Raymond Mwangala (Mwanza).
Others are Hossea Mpagike (Njombe), Anastanzia Amasi (Coast), Loth Ole Nesere (Rukwa), Amina Imbo (Ruvuma), Haula Kachambwa (Shinyanga), Donald Etamya (Simiyu), Jimson Mhagama (Singida), Janeth Kayanda (Tabora) and Allan Kingazi (Tanga). Rahel Degeleke and Kulwa Milonge are the new party executives for Kagera and Mo rogoro regions, respectively.
The ruling party’s new district secretaries are Ramadhani Dallo for Arusha from the party’s Parents Wing in Dodoma, Juma Simba Gadafi (Longido) from Dar es Salaam CCM Publicity Secretary and Salum Kali (Ubungo) from Dodoma Regional CCM Publicity Secretary.

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