Sunday, February 12, 2017

Grand plan to invest 20 million US dollar in aloe vera industry


JUFEEL International Group from China in collaboration with PMAS Company Tanzania plan to invest 20m US dollars in the aloe vera industry.

PMAS Tanzania Director General, Otieno Igogo, said over the weekend that the industry will help in the production of medicines and other products associated with aloe vera plant.
“The project will be implemented after research on some of the products that have been produced by Jufeel International Company in order to ascertain on our investment,” he said.
Igogo spoke shortly after the signing of an agreement with Jufeel international to form the collaboration towards the production of aloe vera products. Aloe vera is a plant species of the genus Aloe. It is grown in wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses.
Aloe is also used for decorative purposes. In Tanzania the plant is mainly grown in Morogoro and Dodoma regions, among other areas.
Meanwhile, Jufeel international Company also signed an agreement with the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) to carry out reaserch on the aloe vera medicines to identify the possibility of using the plant on curing various diseases.
The agreement was signed on Thursday by NIMR Director General Prof Yunus Mgaya and THE Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Chinese firm, Dr Brad Zhang.

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