Sunday, February 12, 2017

App a boon to small traders

A person clicking the green, WhatsApp icon on a mobile phone to launch the application.
A person clicking the green, WhatsApp icon on a mobile phone to launch the application. The platform is emerging as a crucial tool in marketing traders' products. FILE PHOTO | NATION MEDIA GROUP 
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WhatsApp, which was mainly created for social communication between friends and family, has gained prominence as it takes an active role in marketing products and services.
The platform comes with an array of benefits such as being free, only requiring an internet connection for one to start sending images, brochures and catalogues of the products they are selling.
Feedback on one’s goods and services is directly acquired in near-real-time through virtual meetings and discussions with clientele and group members, among others.
And the fact that one can form and join different groups, each consisting of 250 members, makes the app a good marketing tool for peer-to-peer selling.
Through the app, one can broadcast lists and group chats ensuring the products get a larger audience and boosting their sales.
They can also make use of the interactiveness of the platform to engage potential customers, by alerting them of new stock and haggling prices.

And with the software, one can do bulk marketing by sending tens of messages, thus enabling a quick way to reach potential buyers.
The use of WhatsApp marketing has become a boon for small traders and farmers who have limited funds to advertise or set up stalls to sell their produce.
Frequent updating of WhatsApp profile enlightens potential clients on your keenness in marketing, enhancing their trust in you hence and your products.
You should be able to respond to arising queries promptly to boost your marketing strategy.
Importantly, avoid creating groups and forums with unknown people. Group members should have something in common for all members to be involved.
The importance of WhatsApp as both a communication and marketing tool cannot be overlooked.
It is becoming widely popular due to its simplicity and ease of use.
It is cost effective and efficient, and with many people always on their smartphones updating their profiles, communicating or looking for information, WhatsApp allows you to feed them instantly.

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