Friday, December 16, 2016

Daughter of Mozambique president killed‚ husband under arrest

 Valentina Guebuza, the influential businesswoman daughter of former Mozambican President Armando Guebuza, was shot dead by her husband in their apartment in a wealthy neighbourhood of the capital, Mozambican police said on today.

Guebuza, a member of the ruling Frelimo party's Central Committee and ranked as one of Africa's most powerful women, was rushed to hospital after being shot four times but died en route, police spokesman Orlando Mudumane said.
Her husband, Zofimo Muiuane, had confessed to the murder, saying the couple had of late been living a tumultuous relationship, Mudumane said.
A South Africa-trained civil engineer, Guebuza held prominent positions in the telecommunications and banking sectors and led several family businesses. Among these was Focus 21, a family investment firm with interests in fisheries, transportation, mining, real estate, media and the port in Beira, Mozambique's second city.
Her father, Armando, stepped down in 2015 after 10 years as president in which his commercial interests earned him the nickname Gue-Business.
He remains one of Mozambique's most powerful figures.

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