Saturday, December 31, 2016

Battle on cybercrime makes good headway

THE government, through the forensic unit, has so far managed to arrest at least 690 suspects for allegedly committing cybercrimes.

The suspects include conmen, robbers, mobile phone grabbers and others who have been using internet systems to steal from innocent people.
The Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Maj. General Projestus Rwegasira, said on Thursday evening that his office is seriously dealing with cyber crime and that all those involved in the illegal practices will be arrested.
The PS was speaking during an interview with a local television station on his ministry’s performance. He said his office in collaboration with other government bodies are preparing charges for the arrested suspects and that soon they will be arraigned. “We are doing everything in our power to stop cyber related illegal acts.
We have already arrested some of the suspects and they will face charges in courts of law,” he said. He said the government formed a special unit under the Ministry of Home Affairs to deal with fraud and cybercrimes in the country and that the outfit has been doing a good job.
“I would like to inform the public to always report such kinds of incidents to police as soon as possible. We are capable of tracing stolen mobile phones and arresting the suspects,” said Maj. General Rwegasira.
In January, this year, the Head of Legal Department in the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Ms Veronica Sudayi, said since the Cyber Crime Act, 2015 was enacted in September 2015, the rate of thefts or fraud in the country has decreased by 60 per cent. She was addressing the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) staff and students on Cyber Crime and Electronic Transaction Act of 2015.
“We are always prepared for anything. We conduct frequent patrols in various areas. We search houses whenever we suspect something unusual. Our officers get training from time to time, therefore I would like to assure the public that peace and security is our top priority,” he said.
He said police officers have been receiving training that enables them to tackle crimes in a professional manner. Commenting on bus hijackings in some areas of the country, Maj. General Projestus said his ministry is aware of the situation and that such incident have been reduced to zero.
He said police conduct patrol in highways across the country. “I would like to assure passengers that they can travel without fear, the situation is always under control,” he noted. Commenting on the strengthening of prison’s tailoring workshops, the PS said there are a total of four workshops that could produce enough uniforms. He said the workshops are located in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha and Mbeya.
Moreover, Maj. General Rwegasira said his office has already identified four shops that were selling military uniforms and that they are continuing with investigation on the matter.
“We have identified two shops in Dar es Salaam, one in Arusha and another in Mwanza,” he said. On improving police performance, the PS said so far the government has already ordered 777 police vehicles from India and that 180 have already arrived.
Also the government is looking forward to purchasing two vehicles for fire and rescue department. In June, this year, President John Magufuli launched a new 27bn/- police plan that involves a call centre to enhance security surveillance. The Police Force’s technology-driven plan aims at scaling up rapid response to emergencies and tracking public reports about crime.
The call centre is equipped with computers from where police receive toll free calls from informers and relay the information to a team of officers for quick response to any developing situation. Yesterday, the PS said his ministry is doing everything in its power to face crime and ensure protection, peace and security for Tanzanians.

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