Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Terror suspect moved to Nairobi for further treatment

Terrorism suspects Ummulkheir Sadri Abdalla,
Terrorism suspects Ummulkheir Sadri Abdalla, Khadija Abubakar Abdulkadir, Maryam Said Aboud and Halima Adan in a Mombasa court on May 13, 2016. Ms Aboud has been moved to a Nairobi hospital for further treatment. PHOTO | LABAN WALLOGA | NATION MEDIA GROUP 
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A woman charged with being a member of Al-Shabaab and who fell ill last month has been transferred to a Nairobi hospital for further treatment.
Maryam Said Aboud, is one of four women charged in March with being members of the Somalia-based terrorist group.
The suspect had been scheduled to undergo surgery at Coast Provincial General Hospital (CPGH).
But Tuesday, it emerged that Ms Aboud was transferred to Nairobi following recommendations from the doctor who had treated her at CPGH.
State Counsel Sarah Ogweno told a court sitting in Mombasa that the woman was moved to Nairobi for treatment.
“The matter was coming up for mention but we have received information that the suspect has been moved to a Nairobi hospital for auxiliary prescription,” she told Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti.
Ms Ogweno did not indicate which hospital the suspect was transferred to, but said information from the prison authorities revealed she had been transferred.
The presiding magistrate ordered the officer in charge of Shimo la Tewa Women's Prison, where the suspect was remanded, to appear before him today with detailed information on the suspect’s whereabouts.
Mr Ogoti had also ordered that a comprehensive medical report on Ms Aboud’s health condition be presented in court before the hearing of the case could commence.
The suspect was to undergo surgery, which involves the removal of her left adrenal gland.
Defence lawyer Hamisi Mwadzogo told the court he had not been informed about the suspect being transferred to another hospital in Nairobi.
“I am not aware of the new revelation; I am also shocked that the prosecution knew that the suspect was transferred to another hospital but kept the information to themselves,” he said.
The other three suspects are Ummulkheir Sadri Abdulla, Khadija Abubakar Abdulkadir and Halima Adan.
The women have denied 20 terror-related charges levelled against them, including being members of Al-Shabaab.
They also denied possessing videos and pictures of former and current Al-Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, who are known for organising and committing terror activities.
Police said they committed the offence on March 27, 2015, at the Elwak border point in Mandera County while trying to sneak into Somalia.

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