Sunday, September 4, 2016

PM likely to attend Dar port talks

THE Parliamentary Committee for Industry, Trade and Environment plans to invite Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, key stakeholders and ministries responsible for ports’ management to a meeting in a bid to find a solution to the decline of cargo volume at Dar es Salaam Port
The country’s major sea gateway has been experiencing massive decline in transit cargo traffic in recent months.
The reason for the decline ranges from the country’s introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) on transit goods and strict tax collection measures imposed by the government.
Speaking to reporters shortly after holding a number of meetings yesterday with port stakeholders and Tanzania Port Authority (TPA) together with Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), the Committee Chairman, Dr Dalaly Kafumu, hinted that the meeting largely aims at addressing the situation.
"We held a meeting with port stakeholders earlier. We heard their concerns and recommendations that were geared to bring the port back on track as there is a steep decline of cargo now as compared to previous years.
The port authority has admitted that the cargo volume has dropped owing to a range of reasons. There is a need for a joint meeting. We need to sit with the prime minister and other responsible ministers to chart out a solution for this mess,” he noted.
Dar es Salaam Port is serving eight land locked countries making it one of the country's main source of income. Unfortunately, the port is now losing to other competitors due to what was mentioned by the port stakeholders as 'unfriendly policies and taxes'.
TPA Director General, Eng Deusdedict Kakoko, confirmed that there is a decline of goods at the port, adding that there is a number of reasons as to why goods declined at his port, one of it being poor infrastructures and unsatisfactory railway services.
"If we improve our logistics and transport systems we will win back the confidence of some of the customers we have lost.
There is no single reason as to why some of our customers shifted to other ports. Poor infrastructure and the fact that some dishonest stakeholders in the business discouraged customers from using our port.
“However, there is a decline of copper business worldwide. The situation, hence, leads to the decline of copper cargo. We also had low security in some of our locations. This enabled thieves to ambush transporting vehicles.
“But now the security has been improved. We can easily win back some of the transporters,” said the TPA boss. Eng Kakoko also agreed with other port stakeholders on the reviewing of the Value Added Tax (VAT) charged to transit goods without interfering good intention of TRA.
On his side, the TRA, Commissioner for Customs and Excise, Mr Jocktan Kyamuhanga, said there is misinterpretation on the VAT charged in transit goods. He made it clear that there was no VAT on transit cargo.
He insisted that the tax was being imposed only on the services. Tanzania Freight Forwarders Association (TAFFA) President, Mr Stephen Ngatunga, said the auxiliary charges and other charges increased ‘overnight’, a situation that discouraged traders who initially used the Dar es Salaam Port.
“We have data that indicates that transit goods have declined by 42 per cent.
The decline is largely being attributed to the recently introduced VAT on transit cargo. Our clients have decided to opt for other ports,” he said. He said the trickle down effects is bigger than it is estimated because youths who were employed are now at risk of losing their jobs.
Others already have their work contracts cancelled. TATOA decried what they termed as ‘overnight’ charges increased by TRA. They cited the increase on the transit licence from 10 US dollars to 200 dollars which forced some of its members to abandon the business.

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