Monday, July 11, 2016

Burundi violence talks in progress tomorrow

Former President Benjamin Mkapa and facilitator for the Burundi peace talks
FORMER President, Benjamin William Mkapa brings the Second Round of the Burundi Dialogue to Arusha this week with the sessions expected to start tomorrow and will be in progress until next Friday at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC).
On the other hand, the French envoy to Tanzania and the East African Community, Ambassador Ms Malika Berak, expressed her country’s dedication to further provide support to the ongoing Burundi Dialogue.
France has also hailed ongoing reforms to promote more prudent use of resources and efficiency at the East African Community Secretariat in Arusha which on the other hand emulates cost saving strategies shown by President John Magufuli.
Envoy Berak reaffirmed France’s commitment to the success of the mediation which is aimed at promoting peace, reconciliation and security in the Republic of Burundi. The Burundi Dialogue is being facilitated by Mr Benjamin William Mkapa, a former President of Tanzania, with support from the EAC Secretariat.
Ambassador Berak said that France as a member of the European Union knew that regional integration initiatives were full of challenges hence the country’s desire to work closely to promote integration in East Africa.
She described as timely the reforms being undertaken by the EAC Secretariat to promote fiscal efficiency and accountability. The French Ambassador made the remarks when she paid a courtesy call on the EAC Secretary General, Mr Liberat Mfumukeko, at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha.
Mr Mfumukeko said the EU and France were some of the largest contributors of financial support to the Community, adding that the Burundi Dialogue was well on course with the next round of talks due to be held in Arusha this month.
He said the EAC was committed to improving in terms of performance and delivery on its mandate of driving the integration process forward. He added that he had dedicated his first two months in office to putting in place reforms at the Secretariat

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