Friday, June 24, 2016

UN plan targets poverty alleviation

UNITED Nations (Tanzania office) yesterday launched its Five-Year Development Assistance Plan 2016-2021 (UNDAP II) which aims at responding to key priorities as highlighted in the National Five Year Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Five-Year Programme, which will cost 2.8tri/- (1,309,000,000 US dollars) aims at responding to key priorities as highlighted in the National Five Year Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on the most vulnerable and hardto- reach villagers.
Eight per cent of the cost (2.8tril/-) would benefit Zanzibar. UNDAP II draws guidance from an in-depth assessment of national priorities and the fast-changing global aid environment, especially as the country approaches middleincome status as well as on implementation of UNDAP I which comes to an end this month.
With the theme ‘Narrowing the gap to leave no one behind’, the UNDAP II will cover the first five years of the SDGs and set in motion the process by which the work will seek to achieve the 2030 agenda.
Presenting the report on behalf of the UN Country Team, the Chairperson of Thematic Result for Health Nation, Ms Moniza Zaman said the plan focuses on four interrelated thematic areas namely inclusive Growth, Health Nation, Resilience and Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender.
Commenting on the projected budget of the programme, Ms Moniza said resilience constitutes 52 per cent of the budget (UNDAP II) largely due to the significant resources required to deliver basic services to refugees.
Health constitutes 22 per cent while Growth and Democratic Governance; Human Rights and Gender Equality cover 15 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. Speaking during the launching ceremony, the UN Country Coordinator in Tanzania, Mr Alvaro Rodriguez, said that the programme has highlighted the critical role that UN will play at the policy level in support of government priorities.
“The UN has enhanced efforts on communications, outreach and advocacy to ensure the programme objectives include an in-depth understanding of the situation facing poor and vulnerable groups at the local level,” he said.
Mr Rodriguez expressed the need for everyone’s support with the government helping and leading and guiding UN to ensure joined efforts.
“With development partners, we hope to enhance further our joint efforts and with their support achieve shared development objectives.
“With communities we hope to ensure that the values embodied in the global goals are a reality for all. In this way we can make a real contribution to Tanzania and its women, men and children,” he said.
On the other hand, the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Finance, Mr Servacius Likwelile, said that the programme provides an important single approach to the way the UN supports and contributes to the achievement of national priorities and international commitments with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of the UN support and consequently improving social service delivery and reducing poverty among the majority.
In a speech read on his behalf , Mr Likwelile noted that the government is committed to bringing growth, development and poverty reduction results at the grassroots level.

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