UPGRADING of the 452-kilometre Musoma roundabout-Nata-Mugumu-Loliondo-Mto wa Mbu road to tarmac level will be carried out when the government gets funds, the House was told.
Deputy Minister for Works, Transport and
Communication, Eng Edwin Ngonyani, told the National Assembly that out
of the 452km, 192km are in Mara Region and 260km in Arusha Region.
He said detailed design and feasibility
study for the 452km road has been completed, but rehabilitation to
tarmac level will be done in phases and depending on availability of
Eng Ngonyani was responding to a basic
question from Marwa Ryoba Chacha (Serengeti - Chadema), who wanted to
know when the government will complete tarmacking the Musoma-Mugumu-Mto
wa Mbu road.
Mr Chacha noted that Serengeti District
has a national park that is recognised globally and receives a lot of
tourists, querying when the district will be connected by tarmac road at
Musoma roundabout.
Eng Ngonyani said the first phase in
tarmacking the road started at the Musoma round about to Sanzate which
is 50km in October 2013. “The remaining Sanzate-Nata-Mugumu, 75km and
Loliondo-Mto wa Mbu about 213km will be implemented in phases and
depending on availability of funds,” Eng Ngonyani told the Parliament.
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