Monday, April 25, 2016

RC rails at bhang growing practice

DEUS NGOWI in Kilimanjaro
KILIMANJARO Regional Government has issued a stern warning to village and ward executive officers who have been getting allocation of funds emanating from sales of marijuana and khat (mirungi).

The Regional Commissioner (RC), Mr Said Meck Sadiki, said here that his office will take legal measures against such officials as well as those whose villages and wards are involved in the illegal cultivation of the banned weed.
Mr Sadiki said such leaders will have no place in the fifth phase government and that he will fire them so that new ones who can go with the pace of the new administration are hired and ensure efficiency at all levels.
Same district and Kilimanjaro regional authorities initiated an exercise to clear khat and bhang fields in the district. Same District Commissioner (DC), Mwalimu Herman Kapufi, worked hard on the matter along with the former RC, Mr Amos Makalla, who has been transferred to Mbeya in the same capacity.
Mr Sadiki was speaking at a meeting at Joyland Secondary School here, being his first tour in the district since he was transferred to Kilimanjaro from Dar es Salaam by President John Magufuli.
The RC told the leaders that some of them conspire with farmers who grow khat and marijuana on agreement to get a percentage of shares when the weeds are sold. He said that is partly the reason why the illegal crops are still grown in the district.
“If there is any filth I have to deal with, I will start with chairpersons and executive officers in respective villages and wards. It is not acceptable that you get payment from the government yet you allow such fields to flourish in your area. We will fire you.
This is a matter of life or death because such weeds rob us of the national labour force. “I am well informed that some of you (village and wards heads) have your share in the illegal revenue made from sales of the weeds.
I beg you that the share should end from today. We will not hesitate to sack you, apprehend and arraign you in courts of law,” said Mr Sadiki.
Expounding on illegality of khat, the RC said the United Nations (UN) labelled it so way back in 1971, because of its adverse effects on consumers. Some sections of the population have been calling for legalizing the weed and the matter was once discussed in the Parliament chamber.

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