- DAILY NEWS Reporter
THE growth of the online market in the country has transformed the landscape of small businesses in the country while the automobile industry has been the most impacted with the trend.
According to research conducted by
Stats.com, the trend shows that the e-commerce industry is growing by 40
per cent, an astute that economists never predicted.
Kupatana.com Executive
Director, Mr Philip Ebbersten said yesterday that the small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) which accounts for 70 per cent of all businesses in
the domestic economy, are more likely to be heavily affected by the
growing e-commerce industry.
“While virtually all industries have
been touched by e-commerce, the automobile industry is among those most
strongly impacted. Anyone selling automobiles, both businesses and
individual sellers included, should become aware of the impact of
e-commerce, as well as how to leverage it,” he said.
Internet access has improved over the
past 20 years, with over nine million Tanzanians currently having access
to the Internet is fuelling the growth of the country’s e-commerce
He added that a recent report from the
Tanzania Trade Development Authority states that digital media is
dramatically increasing cost-effectiveness of brands trying to reach
their target demographics.
“The essence of e-commerce has helped
business enterprises or suppliers with marketing services online by
enabling them to place their products and services before their target
customers, this potential opportunity helps service providers attract a
vast number of consumers by speeding up the flow of information from
their end to other heterogeneous consumers,” he said.
Adding that “These forward-thinking
brands and sellers can now utilise sophisticated online targeting
options on social media, search engines and other online advertising
platforms to reach prospective buyers”.
He went on saying that Review Sites and
Third Party e-commerce platforms and Internet technology has both made
consumerism more convenient and more complicated.
Tanzanians can now buy goods without
ever leaving their home; however, filtering the good merchants from the
mediocre and fraudulent ones can be difficult.
Every business that sells products or
services online assures their buyers that they’re the leading retailer
in their vertical, though the simple presence of these competing claims
indicates the need for unbiased review and third party sites to which
consumers can turn to for objective information on both products and
their providers.
Third-party e-commerce platforms, such
as Kupatana.com, fill a similar need by enabling smaller retailers to
connect with prospective customers directly on a more level playing
field with larger sellers.
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