Wednesday, December 2, 2015

CSOs call for formal platform with govt

Home News
CIVIL Society Organisations (CSOs), have called for the establishment of a formal platform for interaction with the government to improve efficiency and bring development to the majority Tanzanians.
The non-state actors have as well appealed to the state to avail them with funds from local sources to implement development initiatives on the backdrop of reduced funding from development partners.

The call was made in Dar es Salaam by the Director of non-governmental organization HAKIARDHI, Mr Yefred Myezi, while moving a vote of thanks during the 13th forum of CSOs organized by the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS).
Mr Myezi cited the existing platform between the private sector and the government which has boosted both local and foreign investments in the country. “Through forums such as the Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) and Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), there have been remarkable relations between the state and the private sector,” he explained.
He was thus of a view that it was high time such round-table was established to improve links between the CSOs and the state. “It is also of our view that through such arrangement mistrust that currently exists between the two parties will be addressed,” he noted.
Officiating at occasion earlier, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children, Ms Sihaba Mkinga, noted that existence of patriotic CSOs will play a crucial role to move the country forward.
“The government understands that these organizations are very crucial to support the government to implement the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs,” she stated.
Representatives from over 300 CSOs countrywide are participating at the two-day forum carrying a theme; “The role of CSOs in implementation of SDGs 2030.”
The Executive Director of FCS, Mr Francis Kiwanga, said during the two-day participants will as well reflect on achievements, challenges and lessons learned in implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), towards better functioning of the SDGs.

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