Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chic décor ideas for classy bachelorettes

Even as a woman who is just beginning life on her own,   you should take time and carefully choose items when furnishing your home. Photo/COUTERSY
Even as a woman who is just beginning life on her own, you should take time and carefully choose items when furnishing your home. Photo/COUTERSY 
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So you’ve graduated and just got yourself a job in the city. Finally you can move out of the room at home you’ve been occupying since your sister got married and begin life on your own.
Your starting salary might not afford you the kind of life you want just yet, but there are there are innumerable ways to spruce up that bedsitter or one-bedroom house you recently moved into.
“While various researches have shown that men, especially in middle age, like to think of their pads as some sort of kingdom, women, in contrast, express their personality through theway their decorate their houses,” says Ms Becky Siwa, an interior designer with Ficuz Designs.
As a result, she notes, a woman will always have items that give a hint to her personality.
Ms Siwa says that the only way to achieve a chic look that is an extension of you in your house is through décor that brings out the best in you.
“This means that for women, much of the decoration depends on their disposition, so unlike men, most women’s decorating ideas start with artistic things like flowers, butterfly antiques and other fancy objects.
When it comes to the walls, she says, the baseline colour is pink and its array of shades and hues, but the colour you decide to have should be the one you find most appealing.
“Painting your walls should not be done haphazardly. Care should be taken in choosing colours to ensure that they complement each other. You cannot, for instance, use black paint and pink paint as this will give your walls a sterile appearance. The colours just don’t blend and painting using them will not only be a waste of money, but will also make your house look dreadful,” she says.
She, therefore, suggests that you seek professional help so that, even if the colours you choose don’t ordinarily blend, a professional can still help you decide on a more appropriate way of using them to make your house look stylish.
Ms Siwa notes that there is furniture that is specifically designed for women, but if you want to save money, you can spruce up conventional furniture to give it a more fancy look to emphasize your personality.
One thing that every woman should consider having is scatter cushions. “Women love them and if you don’t want your girlfriends to raise their eyebrows when they drop by, then scatter cushions are a must,” she says.
To complete the look, she suggests, use flower-themed furniture that will stamp your personality in the living room.
Other décor objects like heart-shaped small mirrors on the wall, marbles next to the flower vase on the windowsill or colourful wall hangings will make your décor taste stand out.
If you don’t have space to place a mirrot near the exit door, then do try to have one in the shower cubicle which, according to Ms Siwa, is the one place every woman should stop by before going out. She adds that the shower cubicle should have every item a working woman needs.
“For ease of access, a well-placed, shoulder-height rack, shelf or cabinet (depending on the space available), should be fixed in the shower cubicle”, she says and suggests: “On one side of the wall, there should be a full-length mirror. This makes it convenient for the woman to take a glance, especially if she’s in a hurry.”
While women have different preferences regarding how to decorate their bedrooms, Ms Siwa points out, there are certain items are common to athem all. “Apart from a good comfy bed, whatever your choice of design, an easily accessible wardrobe will also come in handy”, she informs.
Although some bedrooms have built-in wardrobes, there are certain décor ideas that a woman can use to personalise her wardrobe. For starters, she says, ensure that your wardrobe is fitted with a full-length mirror to help you when you are dressing up.
“The last thing you want is to reach your new workplace, only to be greeted by telling stares at your half- zipped or awkwardly hanging hemline,” she explains.
If you are a little adventurous, she adds, your bed should be spread with colourful bed sheets and have unique coloured pillowscases, say in animal print. If money is not a problem, a heavy-pile carpet would make the bedroom more comfortable as well more appealing.”
If space is a problem but you need to work at home, Ms Siwa suggests a home office in the bedroom. For this you need only a desk, a computer, some files and a few other office tools.

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