Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Unesco to support ICT education in Kenyan schools

Kenya’s new envoy to Unesco Prof George Godia presents his credentials to Director-General Irina Bokova on December 22, 2014 in Paris, France. PHOTO | COURTESY UNESCO 
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Kenya is set to sign a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Scientific, Education and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on the expansion of Information Communication Technology education in Kenyan schools.
Kenya’s new envoy to Unesco Prof George Godia said his main agenda will be to build relations between Kenya and the organisation as well as seek collaboration especially in the education sector.
According to a dispatch from Unesco in France, the new envoy promised to grow “existing diplomatic relations and collaboration between Unesco and the government of Kenya” especially in the education Sector, sustainable development and universal education.
Prof Godia replaced Dr Mary Khimuli as Kenya’s Ambassador to Unesco.
The former Education PS in the Mwai Kibaki government presented credentials to Unesco Director-General Irina Bokova on Monday in Paris, France.
The UN agency is involved in contributing to the global peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture.
It also campaigns for the universal respect for justice, human rights and civil liberties described in the UN Charter.
Prof Godia is expected to strengthen relations between the UN body and Kenya in education and cultural affairs.
He will be serving his new role at a time Kenya is striving to achieve education for all and conserve certain cultures from disappearing.
Unesco recently listed western Kenya cultural Isukuti dance as endangered.
Kenya’s World Heritage sites as declared by Unesco include Fort Jesus in Mombasa, Lamu Old Town, Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests, Lake Turkana National Parks, Mount Kenya National Parks and the lakes in Rift Valley.
Unesco recently nominated former President Mwai Kibaki as Unesco Goodwill Ambassador of Water in Africa.

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